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  • 网络莱茵霍尔德;莱因霍尔德;赖因霍尔德
  1. Italian mountaineer Reinhold Messner saw it in 1991 .


  2. Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime ( Reinhold Niebuhr ) .


  3. They had dated for almost two years when Reinhold proposed in May 2009 .


  4. Reinhold and his attorney did not respond to requests for comment .


  5. Reinhold Stephanes says his government is boosting Brazil 's output of ethanol made from sugar without hindering efforts to increase food production .


  6. Paul Reinhold Jobs had been raised on a dairy farm in Germantown , Wisconsin .


  7. Their deal : she had paid for rent , food , car payments and other bills while Reinhold saved for the ring .


  8. The animals in this study have been named Rau Quagga , after Reinhold Rau , one of the scientists .


  9. But as legal proceedings dragged on for more than a year , DiPierro said she ultimately agreed to a financial settlement with Reinhold .


  10. Reinhold Koch is the leader of the nanoacoustics group at the Paul Drude Institute for solid state electronics in berlin .


  11. Some believe Leo Strauss is neoconservatives Godfather , while others put much emphasis on Reinhold Niebuhr s influence on neoconservatives .


  12. The first person to scale all14 peaks was Italian Reinhold Messner , who completed the task in1986 at age42 .


  13. The first group theory paper was work related to that of Reinhold Baer , the German algebraist now attached to the IAS , which had mostly been done in 1935 .


  14. Reinhold Niebuhr clearly divided individual morality and collective morality , and emphasized the former is higher than the later . The underlined thought is his conception of individuality .


  15. Reinhold speculated that the merged VM could have the JRockit garbage collector and serviceability , with the HotSpot runtime compiler and a mixed runtime system .


  16. Reinhold told InfoQ that the Governance Board aims to deliver the new constitution before the next one-year extension runs out , and that the two remaining seats will be filled within four weeks .


  17. It gained visibility in the European Americanization debate with the 1994 publication of Reinhold Wagnleitner 's book , Coca-Colonization and the Cold War : The Cultural Mission of the United States in Austria After the Second World War .


  18. Colette DiPierro , 31 , thought her broken engagement was behind her when she learned that her ex-fianc é Christopher Reinhold was suing , demanding the return of her $ 17500 diamond engagement ring .


  19. As the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr once expressed in prayer : " God , grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change , the courage to change the things I can , and the wisdom to know the difference . "
