
美 [ˈskɔːrnɪŋ]英 [ˈskɔːnɪŋ]
  • v.轻蔑;鄙视;不屑于(接受或做);轻蔑地拒绝
  • scorn的现在分词



  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 轻蔑;鄙视
    If you treat someone or something with scorn, you show contempt for them.

    Researchers greeted the proposal with scorn...


  • 2
    VERB 看不起;鄙视
    If you scorn someone or something, you feel or show contempt for them.

    Several leading officers have quite openly scorned the peace talks...


  • 3
    VERB 拒绝;摈斥;不屑于接受
    If you scorn something, you refuse to have it or accept it because you think it is not good enough or suitable for you.

    ...people who scorned traditional methods.


  • 4
    PHRASE 对…嗤之以鼻;对…不屑一顾
    If you pour scorn on someone or something or heap scorn on them, you say that you think they are stupid and worthless.

    It is fashionable these days to pour scorn on those in public life...


  1. What man is like Job , who drinketh up scorning like water ?


  2. Fred leaned back in his chair , scorning to look eager .


  3. Mr. Darling would say , scorning himself ; and indeed he had been like a tornado .


  4. The better class of them , scorning freedom , were suffering as severely as their white masters .


  5. We always adhere to the viewpoint of scorning difficulties strategically but paying full attention to them tactically .


  6. There you experience the consequence of scorning ` ` book-larning ' ' , as you would say .


  7. While scorning the hoopla of traditional brands , the upstarts are racing to build brands of their own .


  8. PALO ALTO , Calif. - After years of scorning the political process , Silicon Valley has leapt into the fray .


  9. Madeleine initially scorning Bond 's irresistible charms , only to melt helplessly into his arms a few scenes later .


  10. Taoists gave " being San-fa " positive meaning and believed that " being San-fa " was scorning social rules and pursuing spiritual freedom .


  11. Toyota and Nissan are still grappling with the fallout of a territorial dispute between Beijing and Tokyo that led to Chinese consumers last year scorning Japanese brands .


  12. Scorning a turnstile wheel at her reverend helm , she sported there a tiller ;


  13. without which our genius for enterprise would have been worthless and impotent , scorning to be careful , shamefully prodigal as well as admirably efficient .


  14. Scorning chronological order , I began with Kierkegaard and Sartre , then moved quickly to Spinoza , Hume , Kafka , and Camus .


  15. Based on the mainstream theory holding a scorning attitude towards the women audience 's affection , The paper focuses on feminism deconstruction and the rebuilding of the gender in the research on the soap opera .


  16. We can see the influence of Nietzsche from his rebel of the Christianity , pursuing to personality releasing , scorning of the civilization of Capitalism , advocating of Bacchus spirit and the exploring spirit throughout his life .


  17. But Socrates was precisely that second spectator , incapable of understanding the older tragedy and therefore scorning it , and it was in his company that Euripides dared to usher in a new era of poetic activity .


  18. Her spirit of scorning money , daring to face life , not bending to the oppression of capitalism , daring to resist and daring to challenge man 's rights in order to get happiness impresses the readers , and enlightens us .
