Frances is the kind of person who sets fire to a restaurant 's flower arrangement to get the waiter 's attention , and conducts a seance so that she can communicate with her husband via her cat .
During a seance the medium was offering to bring people back from the other world .
Why don 't we have a seance I don 't think that 's a good idea .
Free from the need to earn , he conducted seances with the spirit world and wrote poetry .
For10 years his wife held a seance on Halloween ; Houdini never turned up .
Thus it can be used to gain knowledge from the dead through necromancy , seance , and divination .
Other stories of the supernatural related by Walters included a seance by Mary Lincoln to recall the spirit of their dead son .
Houdini in his later life became very interested in spiritualism and seances because of the great loss he felt upon the death of his mother .
The sisters , in a sort of crude seance , would ask questions of the spirit , who would answer back with mysterious knocks or raps .
A ghostly face at the window ; a phantasmal presence in the room ; spectral emanations ; spiritual tappings at a seance .
In a new biography , Langdon Hammer describes how Merrill 's transcripts of 40 years of seances morphed into the great 560-page poem , " The Changing Light at Sandover . "
Among resistant germplasm , white seed sesames were most , yellow and brown seed sesames stood second , and resi seance of grey and black seed sesames were the worst .
On the average seances of radiation were twenty-two . The mean accumulated radiation dose was 31.09 J / cm2 . The major side effects were mild erythema and pruritus , its incidence was 33 % .