sheep pen
- 网络羊圈
I tell you the truth , the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate , but climbs in by some other way , is a thief and a robber .
Ziwuling East Hill , north mountain sheep pen , Liupanshan west , east , west , north uplift , central and southern low - , it is " basin " of .
Study on Management Formalization of Mutton Sheep Pen in Hebei Province
You 're sleeping in my sheep pen .
For these reasons , it 's very important to regulate the management in the mutton sheep pen and to improve its competitiveness for promoting the integral development of the mutton sheep industry in Hebei province .
He wasn 't sure exactly how a fox could have got into the sheep 's pen .
He led the sheep into the pen .
The farmer drove his sheep back to their pen .
Thirteen similar body condition and 15 day-old age Altay sheep were selected to sheep pen , then adopt to the method of artificial milk until 30 day-old age . Feed them different nutrient levels of diets on different growth stages .
One of their sheep had been attacked and , with the help of a dog , they followed animal tracks leading from the sheep pen into woods , according to the China News Service .
But accompanied with China 's entry to the WTO , the mutton sheep industry is being faced a intense competition both in the domestic and international markets , Hebei 's mutton sheep industry is no exception , especially for the mutton sheep pen .