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  • 网络云存储;网络硬盘;微软网盘
  1. The latest version of Internet Explorer also is designed to work well with its SkyDrive storage service .


  2. Also in this email-composing screen , I could name the new SkyDrive folder that would hold my photos .


  3. Outlook.com takes that a step further by seamlessly integrating SkyDrive .


  4. A Japanese startup called SkyDrive Inc. has begun conducting test flights of their prototype flying car with a human pilot .


  5. SkyDrive also believe flying vehicles could be helpful in search and rescue missions , and during emergencies where conventional infrastructure becomes unusable .


  6. SkyDrive works on a folder-based system , emphasizing the ability to organize your files in personal , shared , and public folders .


  7. SkyDrive was founded by former engineers from Toyota and they intend their vehicle to be " the world 's smallest flying car . "


  8. According to a report in The Asahi Shimbun , SkyDrive says the car could be ready for a limited retail release as early as 2023 , and mass production by 2026 .


  9. Rather than cramming Mail , People , Calendar and SkyDrive ( Microsoft 's cloud storage service ) into one screen , Outlook.com lets you toggle between these categories using four large tiles .


  10. When I attached photos to emails , a message appeared in the composing screen prompting me to , instead , share the photos via SkyDrive , which sends thumbnail images in emails and links friends to the Web to see actual images , rather than clogging my friends ' inboxes with big attachments .
