While a sloop always has two sails , a cat-rigged boat generally has only one .
Crew : I crewed for my sister on a sloop ;
They heeled the sloop well over , skimming it along to windward .
An enemy frigate bore down on the sloop .
Bend flow momentum characteristics is mainly concentrated in the surface sloop , cross circulation and the velocity re-distribution .
A small sloop having the keep of a knockabout but with finer lines and carrying more sail .
They boarded two sloops of war , the Compass and the Astrolabe , which were never seen again .
Even so , captain , I said , there is one major similarity between Dumont d'Urville 's sloops of war and the Nautilus .
Destroyers escorted a convoy of merchant ships . An enemy frigate bore down on the sloop .
Behind the large transport , a sleek interstellar sloop dropped down from the sky , a sail ship , like none other in the galaxy .
Based on W3C open protocols and standards such as XML , HTTP etc , Web Service is independent of platform and operating system and offers a sloop and flexible distributed computing model .
You 're as trim and as bonny as a sloop .
The first player who succeeds in bringing his6 pirates to the end of the passage and aboard a waiting sloop wins the game .
The Virgin Islands are credited for their rich boatbuilding tradition , from which the Tortola Boat unique among Caribbean sloops evolved .
The sloop putting in at Newport , Rhode Island , I visited my brother John , who had been married and settled there some years .
In March , David and his sloop , Idler , qualified to represent the United States at this summer 's prestigious Admiral 's Cup in Britain .
He is coming to enter his new sloop , the Guinevere , in next summer 's International Cup Race ; and also to have a little canvasback shooting at Trevenna .
In1862 , the CSS alabama , a1000-ton screw-steam sloop of war , was built at liverpool , england , for the Confederate navy .
Senses , which page bought for a reported $ 45 million , carries a Hobie wave catamaran , a 28-foot classic Herreshoff sloop , and a helipad .
It enlarges the popularity of the American Cup Sailing Boats Competition by installing the video cameras in the participating racing boats . a sailing ship ( usually rigged like a sloop or cutter ) used in fishing and sailing along the coast .
In 1791 , justly concerned about the fate of these two sloops of war , the French government fitted out two large cargo boats , the Search and the Hope , which left Brest on September 28 under orders from Rear Admiral Bruni d'Entrecasteaux .
Meanwhile , fearing that Dumont d'Urville wasn 't abreast of Dillon 's activities , the French government sent a sloop of war to Vanikoro , the Bayonnaise under Commander Legoarant de Tromelin , who had been stationed on the American west coast .
And where but from Nantucket , too , did that first adventurous little sloop put forth , partly laden with imported cobblestones so goes the story-to throw at the whales , in order to discover when they were nigh enough to risk a harpoon from the bowsprit ?
I was already wondering if Captain Nemo , rash to the point of sheer insanity , wanted his ship to tackle the narrows where Dumont d'Urville 's two sloops of war had gone aground , when he changed direction a second time and cut straight to the west , heading toward Gueboroa Island .
The Nautilus is not aground , sir , Captain Nemo replied icily . The Nautilus was built to rest on the ocean floor , and I don 't need to undertake the arduous labors , the maneuvers d'Urville had to attempt in order to float off his sloops of war .