snuff out

美 [snʌf aʊt]英 [snʌf aʊt]
  • 消灭,消除(分歧等);(用手)掐灭;(用物件)弄熄
snuff outsnuff out

snuff out


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB 消灭,消除(分歧等)
    To snuff out something such as a disagreement means to stop it, usually in a forceful or sudden way.

    Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared, the government snuffed it out...


  • 2
    PHRASAL VERB (用手)掐灭;(用物件)弄熄
    If you snuff out a small flame, you stop it burning, usually by using your fingers or by covering it with something for a few seconds.

    Tenzin snuffed out the candle.


  • 3
    PHRASAL VERB 谋杀;干掉
    If someone snuffs out someone else, they kill them.

    A bullet meant for Riley snuffs out a passing gangster...



put an end to;kill
The Nazis snuffed out the life of many Jewish children
Synonym: extinguish
put out, as of fires, flames, or lights
Too big to be extinguished at once, the forest fires at best could be contained
quench the flames
snuff out the candles
Synonym: blow out extinguish quench


  1. On the surface , the People 's Bank of China 's ( PBOC ) most recent and surprise interest rate rise on August 19 appears to be simply another example of how central banks globally are acting to snuff out the threat of inflation by tightening credit conditions .


  2. Her goal was to snuff out all political opposition to her empress ambitions .


  3. The recent rebound in mortgage rates could snuff out the housing recovery .


  4. Technology may snuff out our desire to focus .


  5. Ready to snuff out the world 's one hope for reason and justice .


  6. Grown man attempting to snuff out the aspirations of young girls .


  7. Greedy heir wait for the old man to snuff out


  8. Greedy heirs waited for the old man to snuff out .


  9. When we consciously or unconsciously make that decision , we snuff out that little voice in our head .


  10. Just the idea of having a better camera than other people is enough to snuff out boring thoughts about usability .


  11. The empress dowager gave orders to snuff out the crown prince .


  12. Section of the orchestra . The three musicians stop playing , snuff out candles by their music stands .


  13. It will take weeks to snuff out the burninggrassland .


  14. We cannot allow violence to snuff out the aspirations of young women in America , and we must not accept it anywhere in the world .


  15. The heirs and heiresses were sitting in the living room , waiting for the oil magnate to snuff out .


  16. Supporters argue e-cigarettes can wean more than 40 million Americans from smoking and restricting them could snuff out a historic opportunity .


  17. The key to deal with the problem is preventing the catabolism in net speech availably , but we cannot snuff out the creativity and vitality of it .


  18. A bruised reed he will not break , and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out .


  19. And army of slaves , vast beyond imagining , ready to devour tiny Greece . Ready to snuff out the world 's one hope for reason and justice .


  20. This unconscionable act was committed by a terrorist group determined to keep these girls from getting an education-grown men attempting to snuff out the aspirations of young girls .


  21. And , as European countries embrace austerity budgets – cutting public spending sharply and raising taxes to reduce heavy public borrowing – there is the added risk that too much fiscal retrenchment could snuff out the tentative economic recovery .


  22. You 've got the power . You can do anything you want . You can snuff him out or not .


  23. But in this world there will be dream stealers , dream snatchers and dream killers that will squash your dream , extinguish and snuff it out of existence .


  24. Of course , what makes the scandal a huge deal for Alibaba and why the company has gone to extraordinary lengths to snuff it out is the apparent involvement of insiders on the sales staff in perpetrating the fraud .


  25. I watched the first season with trepidation : at the time , I was living in Beijing and preparing to move to Washington , D.C. ( Are congressmen really lurking in parking garages waiting to snuff each other out ?)
