- n.政治才能;治国才干

There has to be a well established track record as a highly skilled manager with strong statesmanship .
To execute so audacious a move would require a level of statesmanship now lacking in both countries .
He praised the two leaders warmly for their statesmanship .
If there was ever a time for statesmanship , it is surely now .
Some called this realism , but it was not the language of statesmanship .
Would his diplomacy be better ? Would he handle sensitive issues with honesty , wisdom and statesmanship ?
War and statesmanship were not for him , but he knew how important those things were - at times .
We must demonstrate the leadership , statesmanship , vision , capacity , and sacrifice to transform our nation .
The art of statesmanship de Gaulle reasoned , was to understand the trend of history .
It would be an important act of statesmanship for Mr Hollande to mark a clean break with the Sarkozy years .
He convinced Duke Tang of his statesmanship by comparing the running of state affairs to the art of cooking .
What are the qualities necessary for sound statesmanship ? How does statecraft ? differ from other kinds of activities ?
Yet the vitality of the US system resurfaced , and American voters have chosen in Barack Obama a man of vision and statesmanship .
An act of supreme statesmanship
Again one of the oldest questions of political science very rarely asked by the political science of today that is very skeptical of the language of statesmanship .
Stanley Baldwin was the symbol of statesmanship .
" We need some statesmanship from our leaders , where they cast a vision that emerges out of some core values we can identify with ," he said yesterday .
Aristotle 's political science then is ultimately the supreme science of statecraft a term that again we don 't hear much about & statecraft or statesmanship .
Religion was for everything else , the immeasurable : morals , sacraments , poetry , insanity , death and some residual forms of politics and statesmanship .
So if Aristotle 's political science is an education for statesmanship you might say ? what are its methods ? What are its distinctive ? methods ? How do we educate a statesman ?
Later , Lavery said of his unusual pupil : " Had he chosen painting instead of statesmanship , I believe he would have been a great master with the brush . "
I am also deeply honored to be here with President Bush who has always embodied for me the very best in American statesmanship , and the very best that America has to offer the world .
He built America , for what our Republic is today is largely due to the prudence , the forethought , the statesmanship , the enterprise , the wisdom , and the ability of Benjamin Franklin .
Its condition would be that France does the same in favour of the European Union . Whether or not such enlightened statesmanship is forthcoming ( presumably not ), we are moving into the age of continental superpowers .
On the other hand , good neighbourliness , once destroyed , is difficult to be restored fully except in the fullness of time or through the indefatigable statesmanship of sagacious leaders , as well as the will of the people on both sides .