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  • 网络斯蒂芬;史蒂芬
  1. Stephan : Did he live to a ripe old age ?


  2. Stephan : If you say so .


  3. Stephan : Well , it 's certainly made me think .


  4. Stephan : I don 't really understand contemporary art .


  5. Stephan , get our friends something to drink .


  6. My friend 's book , Maria Stephan 's book ,


  7. I need to get going Elena Please Stephan . This is only so much I can take .


  8. Stephan Furrin had some fun with your metaphor early in the evening .


  9. I believe you 've already met my gamekeeper , stephan .


  10. Dr. Stephan Monroe is helping lead the CDC 's Ebola response .


  11. Heinsberg district authority head Stephan Pusch says he 's saddened by the tragedy .


  12. Stephan is the founder of the JavaPolis conference held annually in Belgium .


  13. But axel and Stephan caught her in the woods .


  14. What in the hell did you do with stephan ?


  15. In1999,11-year-old Kevin Stephan was a bat boy for his younger brother 's Little League team in Lancaster , New York .


  16. I have all of his shows , so we can have a viewing marathon this weekend . Stephan : Lucky me .


  17. " It is important for people not to think that they are over the hill when they are35 or40 ," adds Stephan .


  18. The " sunnies " as they are called in Australia , would soon become " routine " for the pupils , Stephan Vrachas said .


  19. In fact , one surprising recent study by two American academics , Maria Stephan and Erica Chenoweth , suggests non-violent campaigns are more effective than armed uprisings .


  20. " 21-and22-year-olds simply don 't get access to this kind of equipment ," says Paula Stephan at Georgia State University in Atlanta , who provided some data for the Nobel study .


  21. OECD unemployment division chief Stephan Scarpetta says the number of jobless among the OECD 's 30 member countries is expected to climb even higher next year , to nearly 10 percent .


  22. However , Stephan binder , a Shanghai-based McKinsey principal , believes the crowded Chinese market will see a growing polarisation between 10-15 leading firms and a dwindling number of smaller rivals .


  23. The biggest challenge , says Stephan Ulamec , manager of the Philae lander programme , was how to design a probe to land on a body whose makeup they had little knowledge about .


  24. Yet , because girls develop autistic features less often , something about being female is protective against the condition , said Stephan Sanders , a postdoctoral fellow at Yale University who presented the work .


  25. Stephan Haggard , a North Korea watcher at the Peterson Institute for International Economics , calls the problem of Pyongyang 's routine belligerence the phenomenon of a low signal-to-noise ratio .


  26. Reorganizations that allow executives to focus less on day-to-day tasks are crucial but can take months or years , says Stephan Liozu , a corporate consultant and adjunct professor at Case Western Reserve University .


  27. For US business schools , the opening up of access to Cuba has been an unmitigated success in one regard , according to professors such as Stephan Meier at Columbia Business School in New York .


  28. It took Wolfgang Porsche and Stephan Weil , premier of Lower Saxony , to outvote Mr Pi & # 235 ; ch on the supervisory board .


  29. Stephan Zweig 's novels focus on the description of the character 's psychology , reveals the psychological status of the European middle class in the early 20th century by describing the hero 's experience at his different age .


  30. Three artists Stephan Stiehler , David Demers and Chen Qiang , from Germany , United States and China , will have their abstract art exhibition at the Aroundspace in October .
