strong advocate

美 [strɔːŋ ˈædvəkeɪt]英 [strɒŋ ˈædvəkeɪt]
  • 坚决拥护者
strong advocatestrong advocate
  1. He was a strong advocate of free market policies and a multi-party system .


  2. This judge is a strong advocate of prison reform .


  3. He is a strong advocate of the new method of teaching .


  4. He is a strong advocate of reforms on the political system .


  5. Green is a strong advocate of education reform .


  6. He 's a strong advocate of state ownership of the railways .


  7. President Bush has been a strong advocate of freedom .


  8. I think she is a strong advocate for women , for civil rights . I love her .


  9. He is a strong advocate of prison reforms .


  10. KPMG , in the UK , is a strong advocate for distance learning .


  11. She was a strong advocate of women 's suffrage .


  12. John is a strong advocate of cutting energy consumption to reduce emissions and slow down global warming .


  13. Since then he 's been a strong advocate for PHP and used it in every project he 's worked on .


  14. The Fund for Animals was a strong advocate of the campaign to save dolphins from death .


  15. Graham has been a strong advocate in the push to have the pages released to the public .


  16. A Roman Catholic who is a strong advocate of the papacy .


  17. IBM is a major player in the BPM2.0 domain and is a strong advocate for the BPMN and BPEL specifications .


  18. Although I am a strong advocate of " in with the new , out with the old ," I am not an advocate of tearing down the U.S.


  19. I 'm a strong advocate of coming to users in the way they prefer to communicate & sending out e-mail messages or through an instant messaging client .


  20. Marty was a long-term member of the AIDSImpact International Board and strong advocate to organize the first USA-based AIDSImpact conference in Santa Fe .


  21. MALE SUPPORTER : " I love Hillary Clinton . I think she is a champion for the middle class . I think she is a strong advocate for women , for civil rights . I love her . "


  22. Baidu , which was investigated by the government in May after the death of the student , said in a statement that the Beijing-based company was a strong advocate of the new rule . It said it would continue to crack down on fake and illegal information online .


  23. However strong an advocate he may be of a Palestinian state , Mr Obama says that trying to create one via a UN resolution , without a negotiated agreement , will be a " distraction " .


  24. Under his leadership , the UK has steadily increased the share of its gross domestic product devoted to foreign aid ; and he has been a strong and consistent advocate of more and better international aid to Africa .


  25. From the angel of " History Records " to care , " History Records " as a literary works also reflect the strong emotion expressing , advocate strange romantic style and strong spirit of the tragedy .
