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  • 网络种晶模板生长
  1. Study on stability of TGG ( 1 ) Stability of gentiopicrin in biological fluids in vitro .


  2. In addition , templated grain growth ( TGG ) is also a kind of method to optimize orientation growth of the solid material grains .


  3. A novel nonsense mutation in a β - thalassemia gene : β ̄( 37 ) tgg → tag


  4. But their piezoelectric property is poor . Several processings , grain orientation growth ( TGG ) and doping , which can improve performance of the bismuth layer structure lead-free piezoelectric material , are introduced .


  5. The effect of temperature , pH , buffer species , buffer concentration , ionic strength and light on the stability of gentiopicrin solution were investigated and the most appropriate preservation conditions for TGG were determined . 4 .


  6. ODN ( 5 ' cga tgg cac ggc gca ctt 3 ' ) targeted to survivin mRNA was synthesized , we introduced a simple phosphoramidite method to produce ODN .


  7. A 946 nm Nd : YAG laser pumped by a laser diode was obtained using four mirrors ring resonator . the laser was single-frequency operated by using a TGG and a half-wave plate acted as optical diode in the cavity .


  8. By the use of the normal incidence TGG + half-wave of the optical isolators , an influence that the TGG and the half wave plate hinder continuous tuning is found . Then Brewster angle incident TGG crystal and natural optical rotation compensation-chip optical isolators is designed and completed .
