- n.特兰西

After the industrial adjustment , Hezhens finished historical transi - tion from hunting and fishing race to agricultural race .
Now , artists introduced the transi , a form of sculpture that more accurately showed the dead rotting flesh and skeletal form .
Direct dynamic calculation methods , which is based on variational transi - tion state theory , provide us a way to perform direct dynamic calculations by using the results derived from quantum chemistry calculation .
It uses Monte-Carlo method on PC-386 computer to simulate the phase graph of Ising model on planer squre and cubic lattice . The temperature T_c of megnetic phase transi - tion is obtained by using scale theory .
The results show that their magnetic properties are completely different : With the doping content increasing , the magnetization curve of La_ ( 0.7-x ) Gd_xSr_ ( 0.3 ) MnO_3 system exhibits the transi - tion from ferromagnetism to cluster then to antiferromagnetism at low temperature ;