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  • n.蓝皮书
  1. When the students came in , sharpened pencils in hand , there was not a bluebook in sight .


  2. The bluebook also found that public opinion demands greater transparency with regard to government expenditure on entertaining guests .


  3. That 's a fraction of the standard $ 45 cost for a national lab testing company , according to the Healthcare Bluebook .


  4. Recommendations published in the bluebook state that increased supervision of high-level officials , including implementing necessary legal measures , could curb the phenomenon .


  5. According to the Annual Report on the Chinese Rule of Law , 2012 , a bluebook jointly launched by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Social Sciences Academic Press , almost 40 percent of Chinese officials find " nakedness , " or putting their family members and finances abroad , acceptable , China.org.cn reported .


  6. According to the bluebook 's findings , the spouses and children of highly-ranked officials are more likely to be granted foreign citizenship or permanent residence , a phenomenon which is likely to jeopardize the government 's decision making on the grounds of confidentiality , according to the bluebook 's conclusions .
