- adj.超净的

Research on Principle of Preparation of Ultra-Clean Coal with Selective Oil Agglomeration
Research On the Preparation of Ultra-clean Coal With Selective Agglomeration
The actuality , application , preparation and assistant technologies of Ultra-clean and high pure chemical reagents
Ultra-fine coal grinding and ultra-clean coal preparation
Research on preparation of ultra-clean anthracite
A novel process to extract gold by way of coal-gold agglomeration Research On the Preparation of Ultra-clean Coal With Selective Agglomeration
The concept of ultra-clean molecular pump unit was proposed by analyzing the index requirements , and comparing some advantages and disadvantages of conventional vacuum unit .
Discussed is the technology for preparation of ultra-clean coal ( ash ≤ 2.00 % ) by high-precision HM cyclone in two stages at same separation density ;
For low rank coal , hydrophilicity increased after its grinding , ultra-clean coal can not be obtained even ground to more fineness followed by the flocculation-flotation process .
This paper describes the production history of clean steel , recent methods producing clean steel , production of ultra-clean steel and in addition the suggestion and prospect of production of zero inclusion steel .
With such ultra-clean coal as feedstock for production of activated carbon , carbon-addition agent and high-graphite content carbon block as cathode , relatively high economic benefit attained .
Under ultra-clean condition , the Ir concentration in a coastal seawater sample derived from the China Yellow Sea was determined by neutron activation analysis after this preconcentration procedure to be 2.6 × 10 - 14 g / mL.
The primary products of GTL plants are diesel oil and naphtha , with the former accounting for 70 % of GTL plants ' total products and whose quality far exceeds the EU 's requirements for ultra-clean diesel oil .
Ultra-clean coal can be obtained for coal containing less clay minerals and in the contrary , clean coal with less than 2 % ash can hardly be obtained for coal containing more clay minerals finely dissimulated in coal matrix ;
The ultra-clean particles may be classified by the small-diameter hydro-cyclone , According to Liquid-Solid Two-Phase Fluids theory and hydro-cyclone process , a small-diameter adjustable hydro-cyclone is designed , it have got good effect through the practicing .
Entering into the 21st century , world petroleum refining technology is experiencing its great innovation driven by the increasing supply of heavy oils with decreasing quality and the fast increases in the demand for clean and ultra-clean vehicle fuels and petrochemical raw materials .
When the coal-based diesel oil alternative the ultra-clean micro-sized coal water slurry combusts in the diesel engine for long time , the clearance of the Plunger Couple often remain a mass of un-combusted Ultra-fine coal particles , and which increasingly leads to the Plunger Couple jam .