
美 [ˈɜrdʒənsiz]英 [ˈɜːdʒənsiz]
  • 网络急症;第二类;高血压亚急症;高血压紧急状态;高血压急症
  1. We are all common people and has few urgencies to do .


  2. The life of the designed organic optical conductors is prolonged to deal with extreme urgencies .


  3. Status Quo of Intellectual Property Rights Protection of China 's Tourism Industry and the Analysis of Its Urgencies & A Case Study of Zhangjiajie


  4. The early warning results and application analyses show that the system can reasonably predict the situation of pollution emission reduction and provide guidance and urgencies for the provinces .


  5. Firstly conceptions of frustration and frustration education as well as juvenile frustration education are briefly defined , explaining the urgencies in juvenile frustration education .


  6. A lot of options are still available after you have chosen your vehicle : you can lay mines , shoot the enemy tanks , and in case of extreme urgencies , call the helicopters .


  7. In the meanwhile , to avoid starvation and meet the requirement of response time for I / O requests with different urgencies , it proposes a novel two-level deadline setting strategy - a dynamic deadline and a mandatory deadline .
