usual suspects

美 [ˈjuːʒuəl səˈspekts]英 [ˈjuːʒuəl səˈspekts]
  • 网络非常嫌疑犯
usual suspectsusual suspects
  1. Now , if you think about how our world got so accelerated , the usual suspects rear their heads . You think of , you know , urbanization , consumerism , the workplace , technology .


  2. We can hit up the usual suspects in New York and California .


  3. Both rail against oil companies , drug companies , credit-card companies & the usual suspects .


  4. Go beyond the usual suspects 。


  5. We chased a few leads , shook up the usual suspects -- came up short .


  6. The usual suspects are dust mites and pets .


  7. Over time , you learn that a particular site tends to fail due to one of a handful of usual suspects .


  8. The film began as a title taken from a column in Spy magazine called " The Usual Suspects . "


  9. Enter the usual suspects .


  10. The usual suspects will , of course , go wild over suggestions that global warming has something to do with the food crisis ;


  11. The Usual Suspects is a 1995 American neo-noir film written by Christopher McQuarrie and directed by BryanSinger .


  12. Despite Tottenham 's continued improvement , Ferguson believes United 's closest challengers will come only from the usual suspects .


  13. The Usual Suspects was well received by most critics , and it has an 89 % rating at the Rotten movie review site .


  14. It is not just the usual suspects soggy Europeans who abhor the culture wars waged by us conservatives .


  15. As they report in Nature , he and his team discovered 18 genes that were often mutated . Some were the usual suspects of cancer genetics .


  16. She referred to her fundraising effort as " rounding up the usual suspects , " which inspired the name of the corporate entity that would own the club .


  17. And the usual suspects : accelerometer , compass , speaker microphone , it 's got a 30 pin collector so plugs into whole equal system of iPod accessories .


  18. In South Africa , there are those who attribute the drop in crime during the tournament not to better policing , but to the fact that the usual suspects are glued to their televisions .


  19. Nokia 's music player might not be as sexy as Sony Ericsson 's walkman phones , but it covers the basics including syncing , playlists and sorting by all the usual suspects .


  20. The usual suspects have weighed in : economist Nouriel Roubini , credited for having foreseen the credit crunch , has said the euro zone would collapse sometime this year , with the departure of Greece and Portugal .


  21. ANJALI RAO , TALK ASIA : The world does know you for your movie roles , and you just sort of burst onto the scene , really , with Usual Suspects , and you got a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for it .


  22. Few countries are spared from being a potential problem : alongside the usual suspects of the peripheral eurozone countries of Greece , Ireland , Portugal , Spain and Italy , Mr Thomas has placed Japan , the US , the UK and even China .


  23. In terms of Internet services in recent years , communications , social media , information and entertainment - the usual suspects : WhatsApp , Facebook , Twitter , Google , YouTube - gained huge popularity and became dominant , leading to great improvement in the overall quality of life of the African population .


  24. It was 2002 when she was fundraising , amid much suspicion in America about the finances of Islamic extremists , so she proactively went to the Treasury Department to explain why people were wiring money to the Usual Suspects Soci é t é Anonyme in Casablanca .


  25. The fashion for teams is also spreading from the usual corporate suspects ( such as GE and IBM ) to some more unusual ones .


  26. They have one list of the usual Anglo-Canto suspects , including lemon chicken and crispy duck , and another offering some of the most authentic Hunanese food available in the capital , with dishes such as " stir-fried fragrant and hot fish " and " steamed belly pork , Chairman Mao-style . "


  27. Nothing in this great white mystery is certain , except for the knowledge that we humans are , as usual , prime suspects .


  28. Since some of these critics are what some would call the usual ( pro-Israeli ) suspects , pro-Palestinian readers may hope that Mr Carter takes on the fabled power of America 's Jewish lobby .
