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victoria nuland

  • 网络努兰德;维多利亚·纽兰;纽兰;美国国务院发言人纽兰
victoria nulandvictoria nuland
  1. State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland on Thursday downplayed the incident .


  2. A State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland explains .


  3. Press Secretary Victoria Nuland says Mrs. Clinton has been taking calls and receiving staff memos .


  4. U.S State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland :


  5. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said , " He is characterizing this first trip more broadly as a listening tour ,


  6. Victoria Nuland , US assistant secretary of state , said last week that Russian forces continue to violate the ceasefire on a daily basis .


  7. A recording posted on YouTube sounds like assistant Secretary of State for Europe , Victoria Nuland , talking with the US ambassador in Ukraine about which opposition figure should join in coalition government .


  8. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said , " I think we expect the full range of issues to come up , the issues of security , issues of political transition - as you know , there are elections scheduled in 2014 in Afghanistan .


  9. VICTORIA NULAND : " It 's certainly true that there has been increasing concern inside Mali about Tuareg activity over the last number of months , and particularly since the Tuaregs have had less to fight about in Libya and have moved on to Mali . "
