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  • 网络叶集
  1. An Analysis on the Usage of Degree Adverbs in Anhui Yeji Dialect ; Hello ! May I talk to Gong Ye ?


  2. The adverbs of degree are the important subcategory in Chinese adverb family , and the degree adverbs in Yeji dialect are not identical to these in Mandarin .


  3. Abstract : the paper analyses the present situation of water resources in Yeji reform and development area , and puts forward some questions and countermeasures .


  4. Elementary Discussion on Integrated Disposal Project for Joint of New-old Roadbed on Expressway from Yeji to Xinyang


  5. Although Yeji has some deficiency , it enriches and develops the artistic exploration of diverse forms of Chinese modern literature , and has a crucial significance of literary genre in the history of Chinese literature .
