- n.邮政编码
Observant readers might notice that the zipCode field is a normal text field .
Below is an example of a custom constraint named ZipCode
Therefore , it can use Partition 1 of our index the traditional way to avoid a sort on ZIPCODE .
Alter domain zipcode set schema customers .
You can specify the @ ZipCode constraint on a class , field , or property just like any other constraint .
Alter domain zipcode drop not null ;
Even though LASTNAME is not part of our ZIPCODE index , DB2 knows that the rows we want can only be in Partition 1 .
The XML from the client uses a zipCode element , while the server expects the zip code to be in a zip-code element .
The weather service requires you to call the getTempRequest method by passing in a zipcode value as a string and receiving the temperature as a floating-point value in the response .
Because the NPSI is a single ordered list , it is easy to see how DB2 could just toggle back and forth , index to table , index to table , and return rows in ZIPCODE order without sorting .
It still has issues : Zipcode is enough to identify the city and state , so those attributes should migrate to a City table ( instead of a state table ), but that data is static , so we 'll leave it alone .
For example , the Arabic numeral recognition system , only carries on the recognition to Arabic numeral , is applied in so many domain , such as zipcode recognition , the license plate recognition , product serial number recognition on assembly line , etc.
If the relation is eager or navigated from the non-owning side or a query that requires join such as'select p from Person p where p.address . zipcode = 12345 ' , it will produce an erroneous result .
While the first question may seem downright daft , a box pops up allowing users in input their postcode or zipcode , to help them with their journey , but unfortunately the search engine is not able to beat Nasa in its quest to find alien life , which it hopes to do before 2025 .