
  1. 有一则寓言,我相信大家一定听说过。

    There is a fable you might have heard before .

  2. 卡根用一则寓言做出了回答。

    Mr Kagan answers by way of a fable .

  3. 生活就像一则寓言,它并不是而它的长短来衡量,而是由它的内容来衡量。

    Life is like a fable , it is not measured by it 's length , but by its content .

  4. 同一则寓言故事,在不同的语境和文化背景下会产生不同的寓意,使受话者还能整合出与作者给予训诫相异的道理,因而会给人不同的启发和教育。

    In different contexts and cultures , the same fable story can produce different morals , thus provides different inspiration and education to different people .

  5. 在他妻子说这本书是一则寓言,并告诉他应该怎样写之后,史蒂文森便烧毁了原稿,以此强迫自己按照妻子的反馈来写。

    After his wife stated that the book was an allegory , and that he should write it as such , Stevenson burned it so that he could force himself to write it according to his wife 's feedback .

  6. 它是一则奇妙的寓言。

    It really is a wonderful morality tale .

  7. 此地的印度人会讲述一则劝世寓言,一名伟大圣人在道场中,总有一群虔诚的信徒围着他听道。

    The Indians around here tell a cautionary fable about a great saint who was always surrounded in his Ashram by loyal devotees .

  8. 《手套中的手》&一则结构主义的寓言

    Hand in Glove & An Allegory for Structuralism

  9. 对汉堡中的马肉味道仍心有余悸的欧洲人,应该关心一下沃尔玛(Walmart)在中国的消费者,他们正面对一场听上去像是一则伊索寓言的食品安全丑闻。

    Europeans still harbouring concerns about a horsey taste in their hamburgers should spare a thought for Walmart customers in China , who are dealing with a food safety scandal that reads like an Aesop fable .

  10. 每一件事,无论大小,都是上帝告诉我们的一则寓言,而生命的意义就在于如何读懂它。

    Every happening , great or small , is a parable by which God speaks to us , and the art of life is to get the message .