
yī fū yī qī
  • monogamy
  1. 专业人士阶层最支持一夫一妻制。

    Support for monogamy and marriage was strongest among the professional classes .

  2. 人们仍然选择一夫一妻制。

    People still opt for monogamy and marriage .

  3. 你相信人类并非本来就是一夫一妻制的吗?

    Do you believe that men are not naturally monogamous ?

  4. 为降低HIV性传播或性传播疾病采取了很多预防措施,包括禁欲、一夫一妻制、常规使用安全套以及男性包皮环切术。

    Many HIV prevention approaches are used to decrease the risk of HIV transmission and infection , including abstinence , monogamy and regular use of condoms .

  5. 但在一夫一妻的灵长类动物中,情况截然不同。

    Things are quite different among monogamous ' pair bonding ' primates .

  6. 但在这些文化中,很多人都是一夫一妻。

    But within such cultures , most people are monogamous .

  7. 一夫一妻制的问题在于,太无趣了。

    The problem with monogamy , it 's just so incredibly dull .

  8. 我懂一夫一妻单配之类的并不是我追求的

    I get that.Monogam-ish is not what I 'm after .

  9. 在所有的性变态里,一夫一妻最不自然。

    Of all the sexual perversions , monogamy is the most unnatural .

  10. 有些男人喜欢一夫一妻制有些则不喜欢,这一点你越早发现越好。

    Some men like being in a monogamous relationship and some don 't.

  11. 以家庭为单位,每个家庭为一票投票权。法律规定一夫一妻制。

    Home considered a human right in Libya , Monogamy by law .

  12. 不过,在这里,古典的一夫一妻制的全部基础也就除去了。

    But here all the foundations of typical monogamy are cleared away .

  13. 一夫一妻制的形成即是社会成员间博弈的结果。

    The development of monogamy is the result of game among social members .

  14. 这些女士对千篇一律的一夫一妻制及所谓只在周三晚过性生活感到厌倦。

    They are tired of the monotony of monogamy , the Wednesday-night-only sex .

  15. 我这个人是同意一夫一妻制度的。

    I am monogamous and a little old fashioned in my value systems .

  16. 人民大众都是过着一夫一妻制的生活。

    The mass of the people live in monogamy .

  17. 我们把这种情况称为“社会性一夫一妻制”。其演化机制呢?

    We call this " social monogamy . " And the mechanism responsible ?

  18. 一夫一妻制难道是种奢求吗?

    Has monogamy become too much to expect ?

  19. 每当讨论起任何关于一夫一妻和婚姻的话题时,传统就成了我们要坚守的另一种东西。

    Tradition is another assertion when discussing almost anything to do withmonogamy and marriage .

  20. 确认无效婚姻与可撤销婚姻是婚姻有着重要的意义:它符合立法的本意及人们的思维习惯;它真正维护一夫一妻制的原则;

    It is of great significance to affirm void marriage and cancelable marriage are marriages .

  21. 这种家庭形式表示着从对偶婚向一夫一妻制的过渡。

    Such a form of family shows the transition of the pairing family to monogamy .

  22. 不过,随着外界的一夫一妻制及终生伴侣的价值观的渗入,这种传统有所改变。

    Though this has changed as outside values of monogamy and lifetime partnership seep in .

  23. 你应该遵从一夫一妻制,否则你会让女人为你心碎。

    You should obey this monogamous system , otherwise you will break women 's hearts .

  24. 所以,他只是非常简单地论述了一下一夫一妻制在这一时期的命运。

    How monogamy fares during this epoch , therefore , only occupies him very briefly .

  25. 它侵犯的客体是一夫一妻制的婚姻关系。

    It violated is a monogamous marriage .

  26. 在哺乳动物中,它的与众不同之处在于它既是群居性的,也实行一夫一妻制。

    What makes it unusual among mammals is that it is both sociable and monogamous .

  27. 很多人都赞同一夫一妻制,并觉得共享伴侣是令人毛骨悚然而且是完全错误的事。

    A lot of people prefer monogamy , and find sharing their partner creepy or wrong .

  28. 就是讨论了一下一夫一妻制。

    Just a little about monogamy .

  29. 糙背蜥蜴蜥蜴界的一夫一妻制很少见,但是这些糙背蜥蜴是例外。

    Shingleback Skinks Monogamy is pretty rare among lizards , but these skinks are the exception .

  30. 恩,你知道,一夫一妻制可以是个,呃,复杂的概念。

    Ross : Well , y'know , monogamy can be a , uh , tricky concept .