
yī fū duō qī
  • polygamy;polygyny
  1. 在扭角羚群体内主要是以一夫多妻制的形式存在。

    The pattern of copulation behavior mainly exists in the form of polygyny .

  2. 麦克伦南只知道三种婚姻形式:一夫多妻制,一妻多夫制和个体婚制。

    McLennan knew only three forms of marriage : polygyny , polyandry and monogamy .

  3. 摩洛哥王妃LallaSalma是摩洛哥历史上第一个改变了皇室一夫多妻制的平民王妃,也被正式册封为拉拉·萨尔玛公主。

    Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco is the princess consort of King Mohammed VI of Morocco and the first wife of a Moroccan ruler to have been publicly acknowledged and given a royal title .

  4. 世界上有很多人对这样的服务感兴趣,并愿意为其付费。33岁的阿扎德•沙瓦拉(AzadChaiwala)是一名巴基斯坦裔英国企业家,他建立了自称是世界上第一个为一夫多妻者服务的交友网站。

    Certain that there were plenty of people in the world who 'd be interested in such a service - and willing to pay for it - Azad Chaiwala , a 33-year-old British entrepreneur of Pakistani origin , created what he said were the world 's first matchmaking sites for aspiring polygamists .

  5. 不久以后,教会的第四任会长取消了一夫多妻制。

    Shortly afterwards , the church 's fourth president banned polygamy .

  6. 一夫多妻保证了每位男性都能找到一名妻子。

    Monogamy guarantees that every man can find a wife .

  7. 摩门教原教旨主义者认为,反对一夫多妻制的法律是对宗教信仰自由的践踏。

    Mormon fundamentalists argue that anti-polygamy laws infringe [ 6 ] religious liberty .

  8. 111年前奉行摩门教的犹他州宣布放弃一夫多妻制,但一夫多妻并未消失,它只是隐蔽起来了。

    Mormon Utah renounced polygamy 111 years ago ; It 's simply hidden .

  9. 过去,在摩门教徒中,一夫多妻是常事。

    Polygamy used to be common practice among mormons .

  10. 奉行一夫多妻制者的另一个绊脚石是他们的队伍还不够壮大。

    Another stumbling-block for polygamists is that numbers are not on their side .

  11. 一夫多妻,一妻多夫制被许多国家禁止。

    A plural marriage is forbidden by many countries .

  12. 就小提琴而言,我是一夫多妻主义的。

    In respect to violin , I am polygamous .

  13. 从历史上看,很多文化都允许有一夫多妻。

    Historically , most cultures have allowed polygamy .

  14. 事实上,大多数反对一夫多妻制的人根本不识数。

    The truth is that most people who argue against polygamy simply cannot count .

  15. 我生活在一个允许一夫多妻制、但男人大多只娶一个老婆的地方。

    I live in a place where polygamy is allowed , but generally avoided .

  16. 当时一夫多妻制受到人们的反对,但是社会上仍然存在着妻妾成群的现象。

    Polygamy was opposed by the people , but still the queens of the phenomenon .

  17. 当今,86%的人类社会允许男人有好几个妻子:一夫多妻。

    Eighty-six percent of human societies permit a man to have several wives : polygyny .

  18. 以最简单的性别词汇来说,当中国废除了缠足与一夫多妻制,它就迈向现代化。

    In simplest sexual terms , China became modern when it abolished bound feet and polygamy .

  19. 他们没有采用丧偶或有一夫多妻家庭背景的妇女的信息,以确保他们研究的是同一个人。

    They excluded widows and wives in polygamous families to ensure they were comparing similar women .

  20. 查纳是当地一个叫查纳的基督教派别的领袖,该教创立于1942年6月,允许一夫多妻制。

    He heads a local Christian religious sect , called the Chana , which allows polygamy .

  21. 今天,德克萨斯州将对一夫多妻制宗派一名成员进行审判。

    Trial is set to get underway in Texas today for a member of polygamist sect .

  22. 一夫多妻制并不会创造额外的老婆,只会改变婚配机制。

    Polygamy does not create extra wives – it just changes the dynamics of who marries whom .

  23. 性取向是与生俱来的,而选择一夫多妻则会带来严重的社会后果。

    They argue that sexuality is intrinsic , while polygamy is a choice with grievous social consequences .

  24. 它关注的并一夫多妻婚姻的不合伦常,而是那些人生活的艰辛。

    " Big Love ", which got respectable ratings , portrays plural marriage as more demanding than deviant .

  25. 中国商代与古代的印度、希腊、罗马的婚姻观均是承继嗣、承祭祀,然而婚姻制度却大相径庭,前者实行一夫多妻制而后者多为一夫一妻制。

    The marital concepts in Shang-dynasty are quite different from those of ancient India , Greek and Roman .

  26. 一夫多妻成为合法,女人要在公共场合蒙面,回归到家庭主妇的角色。

    Polygamy is legal and women , now covered in public , take on the role of housewives .

  27. 回到十九世纪的草创时期,摩门教徒被教导说要一夫多妻才可以上天堂。

    Back in19th century pioneer days , Mormons were told they would go to heaven if they were polygamous .

  28. 小妾是一夫多妻社会中特有女性群体,她们承受着礼治社会多重的文化压迫。

    Concubines , a unique female school in the society of polygamy , endure cultural oppression ring upon ring .

  29. 摩门教徒按照宗教幻想而组织起来,他们在自己的所有村落里实行一夫多妻制。

    The Mormons , organizing themselves in response to a religious vision , practiced polygamy in all their settlements .

  30. 这些一夫多妻的警察通常都来自乡下。他们会在自己原先居住的村庄里拥有一个合法家庭,然后再在孟买市内组建另外一个不合法的家庭。

    The legal family is usually in the village they come from , while the illegal one is in Mumbai .