
  • 网络FAW Car Co., Ltd
  1. 主要从营销理念、营销战略以及营销体制与模式三个方面着手,分析一汽轿车股份有限公司营销现状及营销体系中存在的问题,提出了自己的看法和主张;

    Ltd as cut-in point , through study the development course and mode of marketing channel of saloon car at home and abroad ; analysis external environment of FAW Car Co.

  2. 该新产品被评为吉林省优秀新产品一等奖,并通过了吉林省经济委员会组织的新产品新技术的投产鉴定、国家汽车质量监督检测中心的检验及一汽轿车股份有限公司的试用。

    The new product was awarded first prize for outstanding new products in Jilin Province , Jilin Province Economic Committee by the organization of production new products and technologies identified , the National Automobile Quality Supervision and Inspection and Testing Center of FAW Car Co. trial .

  3. 一汽轿车股份有限公司供应链系统下的库存控制研究

    Research on FAW CAR Co. , Ltd Stock Control in the Supply Chain System

  4. 本文从外部投资者的角度来评价一汽轿车股份有限公司(深市上市公司,股票代码000800)的公司价值,以期达到辅助投资决策的目的。

    ( a listed company in Shenzhen Stock market , 000800 ) to help the investor make the right decision . There are so many methods to estimate the company value .