
  1. 这位不愿具名的官员说,国有汽车生产商北京汽车股份有限公司(BAICMotorCo.)的电动车E150EV也获得了北京市发放的销售许可。

    The official , who declined to be named , said the city also approved the sale of state-owned BAIC Motor Co. 's electric car , the E150EV .

  2. 德国车企戴姆勒(Daimler)首席执行官蔡澈(DieterZetsche)周四表示,中国的北京汽车股份有限公司(BAICMotor)正在与戴姆勒谈判,打算入股后者。

    The Chinese group BAIC Motor is in talks with Daimler about taking a stake in the German carmaker , Daimler 's chief executive said on Thursday .

  3. 中国媒体称,突击查访的目标是北京梅赛德斯-奔驰销售服务有限公司(BeijingMercedes-BenzSalesServiceCo.)上海办事处。该公司是由戴姆勒与北京汽车股份有限公司(BAICMotor)共同出资组建的合资企业。

    Chinese media said the target of the raid was the Shanghai offices of Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co. , a joint venture with Chinese company BAIC Motor .