
  • 网络National University of Singapore Business School;NUS Business School;NUS school of business;National University of Singapore School of Business
  1. 他与人合著了一本服务营销的教科书,在自己的课上(他是新加坡国立大学商学院(NationalUniversityofSingaporeBusinessSchool)教授)使用,不仅如此,这本书已经卖出了逾70万本。

    He has co-authored a textbook on services marketing that he not only uses as professor at the National University of Singapore Business School , but which has sold more than 700000 copies .

  2. 新加坡国立大学商学院(NationalUniversityofSingaporeBusinessSchool)的新院长杨贤(BernardYeung)表示,当美国的同事得知他要到新加坡工作时,大多数人都为他感到高兴。

    Bernard Yeung , the new dean at the National University of Singapore 's Business School , says when colleagues in the US discovered he was moving to Singapore , most were happy for him .

  3. 新加坡国立大学商学院兼任讲师、营销咨询师LillianCheng正在准备一个有关教科书定价的案例研究。

    Lillian Cheng , adjunct lecturer at the NUS Business School and a marketing consultant , is preparing a case study on textbook pricing .

  4. 东盟国家财经人才培养比较著名的高等院校有新加坡国立大学商学院和新加坡管理大学。

    The famous higher schools of finance and economics in ASEAN include Business School of National University of Singapore and Singapore Management University .