
  • 网络NICS;NIEs;NIC;Newly industrialized countries
  1. 合格境外机构投资者(QFII)作为世界各国逐步开放资本市场,有限引入外资的一项过渡性制度,已被广泛应用于一些新兴工业化国家和地区,并积累了丰富的实践经验。

    Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors ( QFII ) as a transitional system of the world progressive liberalization of capital markets , limited the introduction of foreign capital , has been widely used in some of the newly industrialized countries and regions , and has accumulated a wealth of practical experience .

  2. 制定发展中国家和新兴工业化国家会计标准指导委员会;

    Steering Committee on the development of accounting standards for developing and newly industrialized countries ;

  3. OECD国家、亚洲新兴工业化国家(地区)和中国的平均企业规模都呈明显的倒U型变化趋势。

    The average size of firms of OECD countries , Asian newly industrialized economies and China shows an inverted U shape .

  4. 当前世界市场危机具有一种从发达国家向新兴工业化国家转移的趋势。

    World market crises today tend to transfer from developed countries to developing industrial countries .

  5. 在发达国家和某些新兴工业化国家,高新技术产品贸易在国际贸易中占据主导地位。

    In developed and newly industrialized countries , high-tech products trade dominates in international trade .

  6. 以引进直接投资方式为主的新兴工业化国家新加坡;

    Take introduces the direct investment way as focus , a emerging industrialization country & Singapore ;

  7. 在东亚准新兴工业化国家中,马来西亚的经济发展水平名列前茅。

    Abstract : Malaysian economic development is one of the best among East Asian newly industrializing countries .

  8. 本文以部分发达国家和新兴工业化国家为代表,对政府研发投入规模进行了国际比较。

    This paper compares the government R & D expenditure among some developed countries and new industrialization countries .

  9. 本文第三部分,首先对我国的外国直接投资规模与世界主要的发达国家、新兴工业化国家及发展中国家进行了比较。

    The third part compares the FDI scale in China with other developed , developing and newly born industrialized countries .

  10. 发达国家、传统计划经济国家以及新兴工业化国家走的是传统工业化道路。

    American and European countries , the traditional planned economy countries and newly industrialized countries embark on the traditional industrialization road .

  11. 世界三种类型国家R&D体系结构的特点&发达国家、亚洲新兴工业化国家、发展中国家

    The characteristics of r & . d system and structure of countries ── developed , developing , and Asian emerging industrial countries

  12. 本文探讨了政府干预在新兴工业化国家实现经济飞速增长中的作用。

    This paper has probed into the effect which government intervention has made in the economic growth in the newly industrializing countries .

  13. 20世纪50年代以来,新兴工业化国家和部分发展中国家通过承接国际产业转移,走上了快速的经济发展道路。

    Since the 1950s , the emerging industrialized countries and some developing countries also steps onto the fast path of economic development .

  14. 韩国作为新兴工业化国家,其造船工业的兴起是世界工业发展史上的一个奇迹。

    The development of shipbuilding industry in South Korea , a new Industrialized country , is miraculous in the history of world industry .

  15. 在中国的对外经济活动中,东亚的新兴工业化国家和美国都是中国的重要伙伴。

    Both the United States and the newly industrializing countries in East Asia are the very important trade and investment partners of China .

  16. 在新加坡迅速崛起为一个新兴工业化国家的过程中,人口老化及其引发的老人问题也不可避免地困扰着这个国家。

    As a newly industrialized country , Singapore is unavoidably beset by ageing and the consequent problem of old people during its development .

  17. 西方发达国家和新兴工业化国家经济发展的现状充分证明了这一点。

    The economic development realities of the western developed country and the newly industrialized country economy development practice have proven this point fully .

  18. 不管是老牌工业化国家还是新兴工业化国家,其工业化过程一般是和经济对外开放过程紧密结合在一起的。

    Industrializing process of both old and newly industrialized countries are generally connected closely with that of opening their economy to the outside world .

  19. 如今韩国已发展成为亚洲的四小龙之一,并成为新兴工业化国家和地区的主要成员。

    Now S.Korea has become one of the " Asian four small dragons " and become the leading member of the rising industrialization nations .

  20. 正是在这条道路上,中国从一个积贫积弱的农业国,发展壮大成为经济规模居世界第二的新兴工业化国家;

    By following this road , China ended the suffering of being poor and weak , and became the world 's second largest economy .

  21. 二战以后,国际贸易中产业内贸易在工业化国家和新兴工业化国家和地区得到了飞速发展。

    After the world war ⅱ, the intra-industry trade has been developing quickly in industrialized countries and newly - industrialized countries ( NICs ) .

  22. 现今社会,不论是发达国家、新兴工业化国家,还是发展中国家,都存在着大量的中小企业。

    Present-day society , whether developed countries , newly industrialized countries or developing countries , there are a large number of small and medium-sized .

  23. 而发展中国家、新兴工业化国家为迎接经济全球化挑战,力求在国际竞争中得到生存和发展。

    The developing countries , newly industrialized countries to meet the challenge of economic globalization and international competition has been striving to survive and develop .

  24. 正是在这种威权政治统治下,韩国经济和教育获得了快速的发展,一跃成为经济与教育都很发达的新兴工业化国家。

    Under this authoritarianism , South Korea had got rapid progress in its economy and education and it became a newly modern developed industrialized country .

  25. 自20世纪90年代以来,一些新兴工业化国家和一些发展中国家在放松对国际资本流动限制后,先后出现了不同程度的债务危机和金融危机。

    Since the 1990s , debt crises and financial crises took place in some newly industrialized countries and developing countries , after them loosening capital control .

  26. 金砖五国的共同之处在于这几个国家都是新兴工业化国家,经济增长迅速,在国际舞台上占有重要地位。

    The BRICS nations have in common the fact that they are relatively newly industrialized nations with fast-growing economies and considerable clout on the international stage .

  27. 发达国家和一些新兴工业化国家的政府采取一系列政策和法律措施,积极促进本国对外投资的发展,取得了显著的效果。

    The governments of developed countries and rising industrialization countries take a series of measures in policy and law to encourage overseas investment and make remarkable effect .

  28. 与发达国家和部分新兴工业化国家的发展速度和发展进程相比,还存在明显的差距。

    And There is still a significant gap when compared with the developed countries and newly industrialized countries of the pace of development and the development process .

  29. 克鲁格曼(1994)认为亚洲新兴工业化国家和地区(包括中国)的经济增长很大程度上是通过对其资源的惊人动员而取得迅速的经济增长的。

    Krugman ( 1994 ) thought that the economic growth of Asia 's newly industrialized countries and regions including China is achieved by the large-scale mobilization of the resources .

  30. 在工业化程度较高的国家之间,产业内贸易已经成为国际贸易的主流,而在发展中国家,特别是新兴工业化国家,其产业内贸易水平也日益提高。

    Between higher industrialized countries , intra-industry trade has become the main form of international trade . Intra-industry trade is increasing day by day between the newly industrialized countries .