
  • 网络new material;material;advanced materials
  1. 这种新材料实际上是不碎的。

    This new material is virtually unbreakable .

  2. 主要介绍了DC炉底阳极的最新材料&导电镁碳砖。

    A new material electric conducting magnesia carbon brick used for DC furnace bottom anode is briefly described .

  3. 中孔分子筛MSU是当今认为在稳定性方面很有发展前途的一种催化新材料。

    This thesis emphasized on the preparation of mesoporous molecular sieves MSU .

  4. 而现在,一种类似皮革的新材料Piñatex横空出世。这种用菠萝叶子做成的材料可能正是我们期待已久的全能环保皮革。

    Pi ñ atex - a new leather-like material made from pineapple leaves - on the other hand , may just be the all-around eco-leather we 've all been waiting for .

  5. 要抓住产业数字化、数字产业化赋予的机遇,加快5G网络、数据中心等新型基础设施建设,抓紧布局数字经济、生命健康、新材料等战略性新兴产业、未来产业。

    While seizing the opportunities of industrial digitization and digital industrialization , China also needs to expedite the construction of " new infrastructure4 " projects such as 5G networks and data centers , and deploy5 strategic emerging sectors6 and industries of the future including digital economy , life health services and new materials .

  6. 具体举措:做大做强先进制造业。建设智能制造、新材料、新能源汽车、电子信息等产业基地。

    Regarding promoting advanced manufacturing , the guideline urges the building of industrial bases focused on sectors including intelligent manufacturing , new materials , new-energy vehicles and electronic information .

  7. 奇怪的是,喜鹊就地取材搭的窝八九级风也吹不掉,而我们用新材料做的广告牌遇七八级风就开始砸车。这究竟是为什么?

    It is surprising that gales6 are unable to blow magpie7 nests out of the trees , but the billboards8 people make with new materials fall down in strong winds and hit cars on the street .

  8. 而完整的基因组序列为研究不同物种中的DNA修复提供了潜在的新材料。

    Complete genome sequences can provide potential sources of new information about DNA repair in different species .

  9. 电池正极新材料氢氧化高镍[Ni(OH)3]的研制

    Research and manufacture of nickelic hydroxide [ Ni ( OH ) 3 ] & a new material for battery positive electrodes

  10. 静态试验研究表明,采用Mc尼龙人工合成新材料可以防止冲灰水的结垢现象。

    Scale can be presented by adopting the Mc synthetic material from the static test .

  11. TiAl基合金新材料研究及精密成形

    Research on TiAl based alloys materials and precision forming

  12. 对这一新材料进行了BET、IR、TEM的表征,证实了此类化合物合成的可行性,并优化了反应条件。

    This new material has been charactered by BET , IR , TEM , which has confirmed the feasibility of such compounds synthesized , and reaction conditions are optimized .

  13. 展望了IBE新材料应用研究在中国的发展前景及应该采取的对策。

    Finally , the research and development prospect of IBE in China was proposed .

  14. 中孔复合锆-铝氧化物微球的制备及其正相色谱性能研究中孔沸石新材料MCM-41&Ⅰ.合成、酸性及稳定性

    Preparation of Mesopore Zirconia-Alumina Composite and Its Application to Normal HPLC Support THE NOVEL MESOPOROUS MATERIAL MCM-41 I.Synthesis , Acidity and Stability

  15. 新材料中非氮化物形成元素Si可阻止化合物聚集的作用也可使化合物均匀分布,从而使得新材料中脉状氮化物的级别较低。

    Silicon in the new material has the action that prevent nitride to get together may compound distribute symmetrically , so that the nervation nitride has lower level in nitrocarburized layer than M2 steel .

  16. 通过对CA砂浆集料性质的反演,研究集料的特性,进行混合料设计和性能分析,确定新材料的合理配方;

    Testing the characteristics of CA mortar composition repeatedly , researching on the feature of the material and making a design and property analysis of the mixed material can determine a rational composition of new material .

  17. 含6x小黑麦血缘的抗病小麦新材料的选育及醇溶蛋白分析

    Gliadin Analysis of New Wheat Germplasm with Disease Resistance Derived from 6x Triticale

  18. 从大型化、流程优化、能量的合理利用、物耗损失、环保及新材料等方面叙述了PTA技术的发展趋势。

    The trend in development of PTA process is discussed in aspects of large - scale , process optimization , rational utilization of energy , material consumption , environment protection and new materials .

  19. 应用FTIR、SEM及热分析对杂化材料的机理、结构及热性能进行了表征,这为新材料的研究奠定了一定的理论基础。

    The chemical structure , morphology , thermal properties and the hybrid polymerized mechanism of hybrid polymer materials are characterized by FTIR , SEM and thermal gravimetric analysis . It is very helpful to provide new technological method for developing molecular composites .

  20. SiGe-OI新材料制备及其应用的探索研究

    Fabrication of SiGe-on-Insulator Novel Material and Its Applications

  21. 简要回顾了第15届国际塑料橡胶展览会(K2001,德国杜塞尔多夫)上展出的新材料,包括树脂、助剂等。

    New materials including resins and additives exhibited on the 15 th International Trade Fair of Plastics and Rubber are introduced briefly .

  22. 近年在土木工程领域中兴起的新材料FRP(纤维增强塑料)以其高的强度质量比、施工便捷等优点为砌体结构加固开辟了新的途径,具有广阔的发展前景。

    New materials of FRP ( fiber reinforced polymers ), which becomes popular in civil engineering recently , provides a new approach to the strengthening of masonry structures due to their high strength-to-weight ratio and ease of application , and will be of great promise in the future .

  23. 对近期重点推广应用的防水隔热新材料(如UEA膨胀防水剂、SBS和APP改性沥青卷材,聚苯乙烯泡沫板等)的应用,提出了建议。

    Furthermore , there are some good suggestions for the application of these newly much adopted waterproof and thermal-insulation materials ( such as : the UEA expansion waterproof agent , the SBS and APP change-property asphalt roll roofing . the polystyrene foam sheet etc. ) .

  24. 白光PLED的实现及发光性能的提高涉及到新材料的开发、材料体系的匹配选择、器件结构的优化设计、发光光谱的稳定性及电荷的注入等。

    In order to improve the performance of white PLED , which related to the development of new materials , matching options of material systems , optimization of device structure to balance charge injection .

  25. 数值模拟的研究结果将为FMS0714/10(Zn-30Al)阻尼铝合金材料挤压工艺的制订以及新材料的设计和研制提供有益的参考。

    The numerical simulation results can be treated as good references not only for constituting extrusion techniques of FMS0714 / 10 ( Zn-30Al ) material , but also for designing and preparing new materials .

  26. 本文叙述了近几年来对ZQ-650-1牵引电动机设计结构的改进及新材料新上艺的采用推广情况,从而使电机性能、运行可靠性都得到了显著的提高。

    This paper explains the improvement of ZQ-650-1 traction motor structure and intro - duction of new materials and new technology in recent years , which evidently have im - proved the motor performance and reliability .

  27. 盾构隧道施工中同步注浆新材料的实验研究

    Experimental Study of New Materials of Synchronic Grouting in Shield Tunneling

  28. 新材料在集油管材中的适用性分析

    Applicability Analysis of New Piping Materials Used in Oil-Gathering & Transferring

  29. 他和加德里曼阅读了一些新材料。

    He had been going over some new material with godliman .

  30. 离子束外延技术与新材料研究

    Development of Ion Beam Epitaxy Technology and Application on Advanced Materials