
  1. 我的命运完全掌握在列车长作出决定的一念之间。

    My whole future depended on the decision of this conductor .

  2. 她有一念之间改变的倾向。

    She has a tendency to change her mind at whim .

  3. 所谓的好坏,不过在一念之间。

    The so-called good or bad , but in an idea .

  4. 爱转变成了恨,不过在一念之间。

    Love turned into hate , but in an idea .

  5. 互相扶持还是太过依赖,只在一念之间。

    There 's a thin line between companionship and support and dependency .

  6. 世界的改变,命运的转机,也许就在我们一念之间。

    Perhaps we can change the world and fortune in an instant .

  7. 政府的政策在总统的一念之间改变。

    Government policy changes at the president 's whim .

  8. 想念和失去其实只是一念之间。

    I am missing you , just missing you .

  9. 这一念之间的善意,在人类自私的天性之下,是很重要的。

    One thought-moment 's goodwill is of great account under the humans'selfish nature .

  10. 也许,爱恨仅仅只在我们的一念之间!

    Maybe love , hate only in our .

  11. 坠落,不过是一念之间。

    It 's not hard to fall .

  12. 觉得自我做得到与做不到,其实只在一念之间。

    Actually it is just in an idea when feel oneself can achieve and cannot achieve .

  13. 幸福不是取决于你是什么身份或者你拥有什么,它取决于你的一念之间。

    Happiness doesn 't depend on who you are or what you have , it depends on lately upon what you think .

  14. 如今,虽然她仍旧因为缺少陪伴而孤单,但是她的心中有爱,而慰藉也不过一念之间。

    Now , although still lonely for human company , she had love in her heart and comfort was just a prayer away .

  15. 然而,你能开什么店?店怎么开?可不是一念之间就能搞定的,其中大有学问。

    However , what you look , shop » How open shop » I can not read between the get them much knowledge .

  16. 如果你自认是个豁达,诚实,坚强,睿智的好男人,机会就在你的一念之间!

    If you from recognize and is an open-minded , honesty , strong , wise and farsighted good man , opportunity right here .

  17. 但是流过她脸颊的泪却是温馨的,你感受到了吗?事实上爱、恨常常只是是在我们的一念之间!

    But the flow of tears her cheeks is warm , you feel it ? In fact , love , hate is often only one in our study between !

  18. 人活着,就必须要有自己的路,抉择只在一念之间,一旦走错,将无法挽回。

    People alive , we must have our own road , only a choice between the study , once headed in the wrong , it will be impossible to restore .

  19. 我看到一些永不放弃的人,即使所有的希望都已破灭,他们依旧坚持着,因为他们明白希望与失望紧紧只在一念之间。

    I see some people who will never give up , even when they know all hope is lost , some people who realize that being lost is so close to being found .