
  1. 红色警示灯一明一灭地闪着。

    At intervals there were red warning lights .

  2. 灯光一明一暗,间隔相等。

    The duration of light was equal to that of darkness .

  3. 意大利选民们在上星期一明明白白地讲了两件事。

    The Italian electorate said two things loudly and clearly last monday .

  4. 在她三岁时,她就成了一明电影明星。

    At the age of three , she became a movie star .

  5. 二暗一明农田灌排模式经济后评价

    Secondary Economical Evaluation of Farmland Irrigation and Drainage Mode with Two Kinds of Closed Conduits and One Kind of Open Ditches

  6. 以锡山市张泾镇泾北村的二暗一明灌排工程为例,探讨了该类工程经济后评价方法。

    Taking an irrigation and drainage project with two kinds of closed conduits and one kind of open ditches in Xishan City for example , the secondary economical evaluation method for this mode projects is discussed .

  7. 他给一位明先生当助手。

    He worked as an assistant to one Mr Ming .

  8. 无论是春天、夏天还是秋天,草地和荒原上总是铺满了一层明黄色的小花,这种开着黄花的植物就是蒲公英。

    All through the summer , and during spring and autumn as well , our meadows and waste places are thickly dotted with the bright-yellow flowers of the common weed called the dandelion .

  9. 私营安全公司趋势科技公司(TrendMicro)的首席网络安全官汤姆·凯勒曼(TomKellermann)说,这不像来自中国和俄罗斯的秘密攻击,攻击索尼公司的黑客们不仅意在窃取数据,而且想要传递一个明确的信息。

    Tom Kellermann , chief cybersecurity officer at Trend Micro , the private security firm , said that unlike stealth attacks from China and Russia , Sony 's hackers not only aimed to steal data , but also to send a clear message .

  10. 也许这终究不是一个明斯基时刻。

    Maybe this is not a Minsky moment after all .

  11. 为什么一位明师他什么都会做呢?

    Why are enlightened masters able to do everything ?

  12. 他看见前方出现了一条明铮铮、亮晶晶的光洁冰面。

    Before him appeared a gleaming , crystal ribbon of pure white ice .

  13. 今年夏天,他们乘坐着一艘明轮船到密西西比河下游度了蜜月。

    This summer they took a paddle-wheeler down the Mississippi River as a honeymoon .

  14. 她是过去的一位明师,就像摩西。

    She was one of the masters of the past , just like moses .

  15. 我睁开眼睛,看到一道明黄色的光正从我的窗外照射进来。

    I opened my eyes to see a clear yellow light streaming through my window .

  16. 你一定会成为一位明君。

    You 'll be an excellent king .

  17. 每一位明师都有他们自己的天命和任务。

    Each master has his or her own destiny , or own mission to do .

  18. 一如往常,我们要求每一个人明暸我们提供的观点。

    As always , we ask each to know that these are opinions that we offer .

  19. 他们不用任何麻醉药拿一把明晃晃的刀子在姐姐脖子上割治。

    They performed an operation on Sister 's neck with a dazzling knife without using anesthetic .

  20. 当然可以,你可以去爱一个明知道永远不会在一起的人。

    Sure , it is ok to love someone knowing that you will never be with them .

  21. 如何通过法律制度的设计实现宏观调控决策有效性是本文的一条明线索。

    How to achieve the effectiveness of macro-control decision-making through system design is a light clue of this article .

  22. 我们挑了一只明黄色的雄鸟和一只奶白的雌鸟,给这对小鸟取名为:阳光和雪球。

    Selecting a lively yellow male and a sweet white female , we named the youngsters Sunshine and Snowball .

  23. 一把明晃晃的长尖刀在她手中挥舞着。我们也能像任何男人一样去杀人!

    A long sharp knife shone brightly in her hand . 'We can kill as well as any man ! '

  24. 是的,当然可以去爱一个明知道不会和你共度未来的人!!!

    Yes it 's completely okay to love someone knowing that they won 't be with you in future ! ! !

  25. 主席把口袋扯开,抓了满满一把明晃晃、黄灿灿的大块钱币,攥在手里摇一摇,再细细察看--

    The Chair ripped the sack wide , and gathered up a handful of bright , broad , yellow coins , shook them together , then examined them .

  26. 古时候,如果想找一位明师,或只是找任何一位老师而已,你们知道要怎么做吗?

    In the old times , if you wanted to find a master or even any kind of teacher , do you know what you had to do ?

  27. 她的翅膀从肩上一直拖到脚下,她的面孔是庄严而沉着,手中拿着一把明晃晃的剑。

    he had wings which reached from his shoulders to the earth ; his countenance was severe and grave ; and in his hand he held a sword , broad and glittering .

  28. 一方面明人笔记因是明代人写明代事,以当时人的眼光去记录所见所闻,反映了当时社会的真实情况,为帮助读者更好地理解作品提供了背景资料,有助于释疑。

    On one hand , Ming Notes writers reflected the real society situation at that moment , which can help readers understand the novels better . Meanwhile the work provided background information can help clear up the doubts .

  29. 理性教育是一种明善的过程,是形成道德认知、发展道德判断和推理能力的过程。它关系到个体道德行为能不能的问题,主要受制于主体的认知性因素。

    Rational education , which relates individual moral behavior to " can or cannot ", is a process of understanding the good , and it develops people 's moral cognition , judgment , and reasoning ability , and is restricted by subject 's cognition level .

  30. 这样的释放时刻称作“莎克蒂帕(shaktipat),即神的开引,这是一位明师所给予的最佳礼物。触摸过后,学员或许仍需努力多年,以获得开悟,但至少旅程已经展开,能量已被释放。

    This moment of release is called shaktipat , divine initiation , and it is the greatest gift of an enlightened master . After that touch , the student might still labor for years toward enlightenment , but the journey has at least begun . The energy has been freed .