
  1. 我去过巴黎的一家小酒馆。

    I 've visited a bistro in Paris .

  2. 南希和戴夫在一家小酒馆相遇。

    Nancy and Dave meet in a small pub .

  3. 他们在回家的路上去了一家小酒馆狂饮滥喝。

    They stopped at the tavern to take on fuel on the way home .

  4. 夏犬克莱夫在一家小酒馆当临时工。

    Clive 's got a temporary job working in a pub over the summer .

  5. 这个男孩扶奥利弗站起来,带他走进一家小酒馆。

    The boy helped Oliver to his feet , and took him to a pub .

  6. 结果是一家小酒馆。友善年长的女掌柜正在为当晚的生意做准备,她穿着长袜的脚站在桌上,一边擦拭餐厅窗户,试着不碰倒圣诞耶稣像。

    Which turns out to be a little trattoria where the friendly elderly proprietress is getting ready for her evening 's customers by standing on a table in her stocking feet , trying not to knock over the Christmas cr è che as she polishes the restaurant windows .

  7. 我将车停在公路旁的一家乡村小酒馆前。

    I pulled off the road at a small village pub

  8. 在这个小小的岛上有一家希腊小酒馆。

    There is one taverna on this tiny islet .

  9. 一个男人走进一家小酒馆,坐在吧台前,点了一杯双份的加冰马提尼酒。

    A man enters a tavern , sits down at the bar , and orders a double martini on the rocks .