
  • 网络Primary document;Primary Sources;primary literature
  1. 网络环境下高校的一次文献保障能力

    Primary Literature Guarantee of University in Network Environment

  2. 因特网上获取一次文献的方法技巧

    Methods and Skills of Acquiring Primary Documents in Internet

  3. 关于一次文献保障体系的建立

    The Construction of Guarantee System of Original Literature

  4. 文献传递解决了用户对于一次文献的需求。

    By document 's transmitting , library satisfied the user 's needs for original document .

  5. 文献查新,不仅要检索二次文献数据库,还要检索学科范围内近期的核心期刊和相关期刊的一次文献。

    To check topics , we should search not only index databases , but also primary documents in core journals and related journals .

  6. 一次文献占83%,二、三次文献(含译文)占17%;

    The original articles account for 83 % , and the secondary and tertiary articles ( including translated papers ) account for 17 % .

  7. 从最初的索引从印刷机印出开始,图书馆和图书馆用户就期望简单地从书目索引直接获取一次文献。

    Librarians and library users have been wishing for simple access from bibliographic indexes to the text of the articles since the first index rolled off a printing press .

  8. 社科论文摘要是一次文献作者撰写的,用以提供文献内容梗概为目的、不加评论和解释,简明而确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。

    The abstract of the social science thesis is an essay , which is written by the author of the thesis , provides the general content of the thesis for purpose , and concisely and certainly describes the important content without comments and explanations .

  9. 他是首位能在德国每五年一次的卡塞尔文献展上个人表演的柬埔寨艺术家。

    He was the first Cambodian artist to be offered a solo show at the quinquennial dOCUMENTA exhibition in Kassel , in Germany .

  10. 高校学位论文是记载知识信息的一种重要的文献类型,是反映学校教学、科研成果信息量最大的一种文献,是每个学校教学科研的重要学术成果,是宝贵的一次文献资源之一。

    Thesis and dissertation , used to record knowledge information and reflect teaching and scientific and research achievements , thus are significant academic fruits for every school .