
  1. 这是一个牧场与产油区的贸易中心。

    This is a trade center in a ranching and oil-producing region .

  2. “灯芯绒”与企业家ReedOkura太太,及她37岁的丈夫AaronMasusruOkura住在一起,两人共同拥有一座牧场餐厅。

    Corduroy lives with entrepreneur Mrs Reed Okura and her 37-year-old husband Aaron Masusru Okura , who owns a ranch restaurant .

  3. 他在距离Neverland五英里外有一处牧场,他的儿子们也曾是杰克逊邀请到Neverland游玩的当地孩子们中一员。

    He owns a ranch five miles from Neverland , and his sons were among local children Jackson invited over for field days at the ranch .

  4. 你是一只牧场的动物就等着进屠宰场

    You 're just a pasture animal waiting for the abattoir .

  5. 我不可能编织一座牧场大屋。

    It isn 't impossible that I 'm knitting a ranch house .

  6. 拥有或经营一个牧场的人。

    An owner of cattle or a cattle ranch .

  7. 他去一个牧场干活。

    He went to work on a ranch .

  8. 在一个牧场中长大的他为了自己的乡村生活和生计而战。

    Raised on a ranch , fighting for his rural life style and livelihood .

  9. 她在一个牧场长大,整天和牛、马、套索打交道。

    She grew up on a ranch , working cattle , riding and roping .

  10. 他经营着一个牧场。

    He manages a livestock farm .

  11. 一名牧场主在加拿大的育空地区在佩利河大农场处理一头母牛和她的小牛犊。

    A rancher attends to a mother cow and her calf at the Pelly River Ranch in Canada 's Yukon Territory .

  12. 当牧场的草高度少于5厘米时,牧民可以考虑将动物转移到另一个牧场,开始循环放牧。

    Farmers can start rotational grazing by removing animals from a pasture when the grass is eaten to less than five centimeters .

  13. 古德拉克。乔纳森总统最近邀请一群商人到一畜牧场小聚消遣,商讨如何使经济增长更上一个台阶。

    PRESIDENT GOODLUCK JONATHAN recently invited a group of businessmen to a cattle ranch for a retreat to discuss how to generate faster economic growth .

  14. 恒天然最终希望在中国拥有一批牧场。分析师称,该公司有很好的条件在中国扩大市场。

    Fonterra eventually hopes to own a cluster of farms in China and analysts say it is well placed to build a big market presence .

  15. 他们属于半游牧民,主要工作是放羊,带着羊群在有限的区域内从一个牧场到另一个牧场。

    They are a semi-nomadic people who work mainly as shepherds , moving with their flocks from pasture to pasture within a small , limited area .

  16. “老天爷,”乔治无可奈何地说。“好吧,听着,我们要去一个牧场干活,就象我们来之前干过的上游北面的那个一样。”

    " Jesus Christ ," George said resignedly . " Well-look , were gonna work on a ranch like the one we come from up north . "

  17. 乔蒂找到一处牧场,鸡可以在那里过一辈子正常的生活。同时,她还组织了救助队去抓捕那些鸡。

    Jodie located a ranch where the chickens would be able to live out their natural lives , and organized a rescue party to capture the birds .

  18. 上周我们之间还有一片牧场,但他用推土机把河堤推掉了,如今横在我们面前的是一条小溪。

    Last week there was a meadow between us , but he took his bulldozer to the river levee , and now there is a creek between us .

  19. 官员责怪一名牧场主没有遵守禁止用稻草喂牛的命令。在3月福岛一号核电站发生爆炸后,稻草可能曝露在放射线中。

    Officials blame a single rancher who ignored orders not to feed cattle rice straw which may have been exposed to radiation following explosions at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant in March .

  20. 这位名叫杰夫·爱德华兹的男子表示,他年轻时拿了两个证书后便辍学了,也没有什么雄心壮志。后来,在失去一份牧场工人的工作后,他成了剑桥市的一名流浪汉。

    Geoff Edwards says he left school at a young age with two qualifications and few ambitions , then ended up homeless in the city of Cambridge after work as a field laborer dried up .

  21. 数学家乞求的看着天空,之后吟咏到:“在苏格兰存在着最少一个牧场,之中最少有一只羊,最少其一面是黑色的。”

    The mathematician gazed heavenward in supplication , and then intoned ," in Scotland there exists at least one field , containing at least one sheep , at least one side of which is black . "

  22. 将动物转移到另外一个牧场可以为草地提供足够的时间来重新生长,这叫做循环放牧,我们收到了来自中国的张国辉的问题,循环放牧是怎样进行的。

    Moving animals from one area of pasture to another can provide the time needed for new growth . This is called rotational grazing , and we received a question from Zhang Guohui in China about how it works .

  23. 我们要海盗,小丑和一个喜剧牧场。

    Let us have pirates , clowns and a happy ending .

  24. 罗斯福搬到了美国西部达科他州领地的一个大牧场去。

    Roosevelt moved to a ranch in the Dakota territory of the American West .

  25. 他父亲去世后,他继承了一个大牧场。

    When his father died , he came into possession of a large ranch .

  26. 随着与赛吉尔同一年代的牧场主和牛仔渐渐老去,他们的工作将来会由谁来做呢?

    As the ranchers and cowboys of Sager 's generation age , who will be left to do their jobs ?

  27. 进入游戏人物等级后期的时候,泰矿很可能已经枯竭,让游戏玩家你的矿车开往更绿一点的牧场旧。

    When the game enters the late game , tiberium fields are likely to become empty , forcing the harvesters to move to greener pastures .

  28. 尼泊尔巴格丹达——来自喜马拉雅山脉一个高原牧场的55岁牧民图尔辛格·罗卡亚(TulsinghRokaya),多年来眼睁睁地看着流动采摘者的人数在不断壮大。

    BAGDANDA , Nepal - From a pasture high in the Himalayas , Tulsingh Rokaya , 55 , a shepherd , watched for years as the number of itinerant harvesters swelled .

  29. 他对当地媒体《尤马县太阳报》说:这里不是一个小牧场而是一个大社区,我们在很多方面都起着代表作用,必须做好充分准备。

    ' We are not a little ranch , we are a large community . We represent a lot and need to be prepared , ' he told the Yuma Sun newspaper .

  30. 这所学校的前身是一座美丽的牧场,面朝太平洋。UCSC校园拥有无数开放式草地,红树林和360度无敌海景。

    Housed on a former ranch perched above the Pacific , the UCSC campus offers open meadows , redwood forests and panoramic ocean views .