
  • 网络Growing up;Live in Singapore;Grown Up Overnight
  1. 也无法保证自己能在一夜之间长大。

    Can not guarantee that he can grow up overnight .

  2. 在照顾姐姐的这些年里我学到了很多,就算是一夜之间长大了一样。

    I learned so much from taking care of my sister . Its like I grew up overnight .

  3. 她眼前的城镇,就像一个婴孩一夜之间长大成为忙碌不停、匍匐行进的巨人。

    The town she was now seeing was like a baby grown overnight into a busy , sprawling giant .

  4. 有时候,发现自己一夜之间长大,却看不到未来的样子,迷茫的不知所措。

    Sometimes , found himself grew up overnight , but do not see the future look like , confused what to do .

  5. 那个时候,我真的不知道说什么好,我紧紧地拥抱每一个人,一夜之间我长大了。

    I didn 't know what to say at the time . I hugged with each of them . I became an old man at that night .