
  1. 他呼吁他们团结一心,尽其所能地前进,并且引用马丁.路德.金(MartinLutherKing)的话:如果你无法飞翔,那就奔跑吧。

    He called on them to unite and move forward at any pace they could , quoting Martin Luther King : If you can 't fly then run .

  2. 奔跑吧,奔跑去山边吧。

    Run away , run away to the mountain shore .

  3. 奔跑吧,上路吧,你不会有事的

    Hit the ground running , you 'll be fine

  4. 奔跑吧,向着那无边际的黑暗!

    Run , forward the unbound dark !

  5. 跟我们一起在这片美丽的森林中奔跑吧,你会感觉好很多!

    Come running with us through the pretty forest , you 'll feel so good !

  6. 而自从参加了人气爆棚的电视真人秀节目《奔跑吧,兄弟》之后,这个25岁姑娘“女汉子”的新形象让观众们刮目相看。

    However , the 25-year-old has surprised audiences with her " anti-baby " toughness in popular TV show Running Man .

  7. 我正走向车么,他大叫“奔跑吧!”,然后消失了。

    Just as I reached for the car door , he yelled " RUN A WHILE " and sped off .

  8. 浙江卫视近日公布了在中国备受关注的综艺节目《奔跑吧兄弟》第四季的演员阵容。

    Zhejiang Television has recently revealed the cast for the 4th season of the Chinese game-variety show " Running Man . "

  9. 《奔跑吧兄弟》中,大明星成员之间的化学反应每周都能把观众吸引过来。

    The chemistry between cast members , all big-name stars , keeps audiences coming back for more of Running Man each week .

  10. 在爱情里,也请勇敢地、坚定地、拼命奔跑吧,然后,即使跌掉,你也可以说,自己是华丽的。

    In love , please running bravely , confirmedly and desperately , then even though tumbling , you also can say like this : We are florid .

  11. 不确定性就是自由,抓住这种自由,带着它奔跑吧,别忘了一边跑一边吃点面条,你需要葡萄糖。

    Uncertainty is freedom . Take that freedom and run with it . And dont forget to eat some noodles as you go . Youll need the glucose .

  12. 在爱情里,如果值得,也请勇敢地、坚定地、拼命为她(她)奔跑吧;然后,也许,即使有一天跌倒了,你也可以说,自己是华丽的。

    Within love , also please , bravely , staunchly , run for all one is worth , And then , even if falling away one day , you also can say yourself is gorgeous .

  13. 尾气会增高心脏病和患癌几率。所以还是早起,穿上跑鞋,去一天中最清新的空气里奔跑吧。

    The exhaust left behind from vehicles can increase the risk of heart disease and cancer , so slip on your jogging shoes in the early morning if you want to breathe in the cleanest air possible .

  14. 中国当前最火爆的一些电视节目,如浙江电视台的游戏综艺节目《奔跑吧兄弟》,湖南电视台的真人秀节目《爸爸去哪儿》,都是以韩国节目为模版制作的。

    Some of the hottest Chinese programs , like Zhejiang Television 's game-variety show " Running Man " and Hunan Television 's reality show " Where Are We Going , Dad ? , " were based on South Korean formats .

  15. 根据外国节目进行改编,比如《奔跑吧兄弟》和从荷兰引入的《中国好声音》,获得了大量的观众和广告收入,从而刺激更多的中国电视集团购买国外的素材。

    Adapted versions of foreign shows , such as the Running Man and The Voice of China , imported from the Netherlands , have gained massive audiences as well as advertising revenues , thus inspiring more Chinese television groups to buy foreign material .