
  • 网络To the sea
  1. 正是落潮时分,一条潮汐河涌动着从我们面前流过,奔向大海。

    It was low tide , and a tidal river flowed past us on its way to the sea .

  2. 海滩上我们跑过退潮后留下的泻湖奔向大海,湖水浅浅的,静静地躺在湛蓝的天空下。

    On the beach we ran through lagoons left by the outgoing tide to the sea , shallow and calm under a brilliant blue sky .

  3. 他在肩头挑上两只鱼篓,信心百倍地奔向大海。

    He took on his shoulders two creels and headed the sea with full confidence .

  4. 每一条河流都有自己不同的生命曲线,但是每一条河流都有自己的梦想&那就是奔向大海。

    Each river has its own different life curve , but every river has its own dream-that is , towards the sea .

  5. 美丽的生命就像一条清澈的小溪,永远百折不回,乐观坚强地奔向大海,直到最后一滴。

    A beautiful life is like a clear brook , runs forever to the ocean , indomitably and optimistically , till the last drop .

  6. 但是,在你们某些人心中,渴望是一股膨湃的激流,载着山坡的秘密和森林的歌声,奔向大海。

    But in some of you that longing is a torrent rushing with might to the sea , carrying the secrets of the hillsides and the songs of the forest .