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  1. 这场竞选声势浩大,多姿多元,富有创意,奔放不羁,充满能量。

    This vast , diverse , creative , unruly , energized campaign .

  2. 他们到了广场,广场的人群不再像以前那样奔放不羁了。

    They went to the piazza , where the crowd was rather less riotous than before .

  3. 1971年出生的他从未见过生父,他跟着奔放不羁的母亲长大,经常搬家,声称就读过不下30所学校。

    Born in 1971 , he never met his father but moved often with his free-spirited mother , claiming to have attended more than 30 schools .

  4. 这个美丽的少女,好象山上的微风那样清新、纯洁;这就深深触动了他的那颗火山般的奔放不羁的心。

    The sight of the fair young girl , as frank and wholesome as the Sierra breezes , had stirred his volcanic , untamed heart to its very depths .