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láng jí
  • in disorder;scattered about in a mess;be in disorder
狼藉 [láng jí]
  • (1) [be in disorder;scattered about in a mess] 乱七八糟;散乱、零散

  • 闻其儿为吏,放纵狼藉。--《后汉书.张酺传》

  • 满目狼藉

  • 杯盘狼藉

  • (2) 也作狼籍

狼藉[láng jí]
  1. 她离开时厨房里一片狼藉。

    The kitchen was in a disgusting state when she left .

  2. 她同声名狼藉的弟弟斯蒂芬一起度过了这个傍晚。

    She spent the evening with her disreputable brother Stefan .

  3. 聚会后,房子里一片狼藉。

    The house was in chaos after the party .

  4. 看着聚会后的情况,她说:“真是一片狼藉!”

    ' What a mess ! ' she said , surveying the scene after the party .

  5. 狂欢聚会后,屋里一片狼藉。

    The house is in a mess after a wild party .

  6. 他的办公室一片狼藉,文件成堆,烟灰满缸。

    His office was a disaster area of papers and full ashtrays

  7. 除了厨房特别干净外,这地方一片狼藉。

    Except for the remarkably tidy kitchen , the place was a mess

  8. 船里面一片狼藉。

    The ship 's interior was an utter shambles

  9. 屋里一片狼藉。

    The house is a mess

  10. 浴室里一片狼藉。

    The showers are a mess

  11. 聚会之后房子里一片狼藉。

    The house is a complete mess after the party .

  12. 出事的几层楼变成一堆烧焦了的废墟,狼藉不堪。

    The floors where they occurred were a burned-out shambles .

  13. 但在魅力四射的鸟群下方,罗马却遍地狼藉,脏乱不堪。

    But beneath their charm , Rome is rotting , and it 's a hell of a mess . In the cold light of day , the other side of these gorgeous birds is clear .

  14. 但是这位大爷的新研究方向让我们想起法国科学史上最名声狼藉,臭名昭著的“记忆水”事件。这是由免疫学家JacquesBenveniste做得一个工作。

    But Montagnier 's new direction evokes one of the most notorious affairs in French science : the " water memory " study by immunologist Jacques Benveniste .

  15. 部队所过之处一片狼藉。

    The army left a trail of destruction in its wake .

  16. 由于他没有预期到有来宾,房间一片狼藉。

    The room was a mess because he hadn 't expected company .

  17. 聚会完了以后,余姚翻译整个房子一片狼藉。

    The apartment is in a mess after the party .

  18. 曾经是一家杂货铺,现在黑黑乎乎地,一片狼藉。

    What was once a grocery shop is now a blackened mess .

  19. 噢还有清理了那一桌子的狼藉真是太好了

    Oh , and for cleaning that mess.That was awesome .

  20. 现在家里是一片狼藉。

    There 's a bad scene at home right now .

  21. 最初他对报纸给他引起的狼藉名声感到很害羞。

    At first he was bashful about the notoriety which the newspaper caused .

  22. 房舱里一片狼藉,乱得你都不能想象。

    It was such a scene of confusion as you can hardly fancy .

  23. 再看浴室一片狼藉。

    Then the bathroom is in a total mess .

  24. 暴风雨过后地上树枝狼藉。

    After the storm there were branches and twigs all over the ground .

  25. 经过时代洗礼,开封的玉皇阁展现给人们的却是一片荒芜,满是狼藉。

    Yuhuangge in Kaifeng was desolate and full of broken bricks and timber .

  26. 另一个城市居民形容这片狼藉的景象。

    Another city resident described the chaotic scene .

  27. 烟花短暂的灿烂过后,有谁去收拾遍地的狼藉。

    After a short splendid fireworks , who to clear up the messy everywhere .

  28. 手术室内,各种碎片与重型机器乱飞,一片狼藉。

    The room was reduced to a sloppy medley of debris and heavy machinery .

  29. 郭小姐说,社区在周日早上仍是一片狼藉。

    The neighborhood was still a mess on Sunday morning , according to Guo .

  30. 电影开场展现了一座无名的城市,在雨色的映衬下,城市一片狼藉。

    The film opens in an un-named city of near-constant rain and urban decay .