
láng bèi táo cuàn
  • flee in helter-skelter;flee in utter confusion;flee in desperation
狼狈逃窜[láng bèi táo cuàn]
  1. 敌军被打得溃不成军,狼狈逃窜。

    Utterly routed , the enemy fled in confusion .

  2. 敌军狼狈逃窜。

    The enemy troops were routed .

  3. 塔利班被赶下台,狼狈逃窜。

    The Taliban was driven from power and pushed back on its heels .

  4. 吓得讨厌的冬天狼狈逃窜;

    And put the ugly winter full to flight ;

  5. 我们一阵炮火打得敌军狼狈逃窜。

    A hail of fire from us sent the enemy troops fleeing helter skelter .