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bēn sāng
  • hasten home upon the death of one's parent;hasten home for the funeral of a parent or grandparent;hurry back for a funeral
奔丧 [bēn sāng]
  • [hasten home for the funeral of a parent or grandparent] 从外地赶回去参加或料理亲属的丧事

奔丧[bēn sāng]
  1. 阿玛雷·斯塔德迈尔(AmareStoudemire)因为家人去世而离队奔丧。

    Amare Stoudemire had to leave the team because of a family death .

  2. 我回来,是为父王奔丧,还是为母后贺喜?

    Did I come back to grieve for my father or to congratulate my step-mother ?

  3. 我从北京到徐州打算跟着父亲奔丧回家。

    I left Beijing for Xvzhou to join father in hastening home to attend grandmas funeral .

  4. 去年秋天,我岳父去世,我和我太太回故乡去奔丧。

    Last fall my father-in-law passed away so my wife and I went back to our hometown for the funeral .

  5. 从简牍材料来看,秦汉子女法律上的孝亲责任主要表现在供养其亲、奔丧居丧、追孝父祖。

    The duty of filial piety wan providing for his parents , hastening home for the funeral of his elders and sacrificing forefathers from bamboos .

  6. 我的曾祖母去世,我们全家去弗罗里达奔丧。当时我才3岁或3岁半。

    My great grandmother had just died , and my whole family had visited them in Florida . I was about three , three and a half years old .

  7. 辛德雷先生回家奔丧来了,而且有一件事使我们大为惊讶,也使左邻右舍议论纷纷他带来一个妻子。

    Mr Hindley came home to the funeral ; and a thing that amazed us , and set the neighbours gossiping right and left he brought a wife with him .

  8. 那年冬天,祖母死了,父亲的差使也交卸了,正是祸不单行的日子,我从北京到徐州,打算跟着父亲奔丧回家。

    Misfortunes never come singly . In the winter of more than two years ago , grandma died and father lost his job . I left Beijing for Xuzhou to join father in hastening home to attend grandmas funeral .

  9. “喂,耐莉,”他说,有一天早晨他骑马走进院子,来得太早,不能不使我吃惊,心想一定是报告坏消息来的。“现在该轮到你我去奔丧了。

    Well , Nelly , 'said he , riding into the yard one morning , too early not to alarm me with an instant presentiment of bad news , ` it 's yours and my turn to go into mourning at present .

  10. 在上届奥运会,我有幸和运动员一同经历了一次悲恸的生活经历。他们父亲的骤然辞世令他们陷入两难境地,不知是该继续留下比赛还是回家奔丧。

    I had the sobering privilege , in a previous Games , to be invited into a grieving athlete 's life as they wrestled with the decision of whether to stay and compete or to go home after their father 's sudden death .