
  1. 现在,特别是从上一界INDEX展上,它在汽车用和工业用非织造领域显示出强劲的增长-过滤布领域也很重要。

    Now , especially in the last INDEX , it has shown very good growth in automotive and industrial applications & and filtration is also very important .

  2. 或者是下一界共和党总统候选人中的领头者。

    Or the next front-runner for the Republican nomination for president .

  3. 美国的下一界总统和副总统。

    The next president and vice president of the United states .

  4. A你还记得上一界在雅典举行的广州亚运会吗?

    Do you remember the last Asian Gamess in Athens ?

  5. 推导了球面包络环面蜗杆的接触线方程、齿面方程、螺旋升角、一界、二界曲线和诱导法曲率方程。

    Helix angle equations , limited curve equations and induced normal curvature equations are also obtained .

  6. 所谓语境差,指在同一界域内,语境各要素间的不平衡状态。

    The so-called contextual misplacing , means that the imbalance state is among every key element of the context , in the same circle intra-area .

  7. 模型假设保险公司在盈余为负的情况下,允许通过借贷继续经营,同时当盈余超过某一界限时,保费的一部分将用于给股东分红。

    The model assumes that the company is allowed to borrow money at some debit interest rate when the surplus turns negative , and that the premium incomes are paid out as dividends to shareholders when the surplus reaches some barrier .

  8. 这是一种界于TLP扩散焊和钎焊工艺之间的一种新型先进工艺,兼有两者之长。

    This is a novel advanced technology between transition liquid phase ( TLP ) diffusion welding and brazing , and it has both advantages .

  9. 通过研究和分析制定HX集团专业化发展战略,对专业化和多元化这一学术界和企业界热点问题进行了讨论和归纳总结,这对指导企业经营实践活动具有重大的理论和现实意义。

    Through research and analysis to develop strategies for professional development HX groups , for specialization and diversification of the academic and business hot issues were discussed and summarized , which is to guide business practice is of great theoretical and practical significance .

  10. 他是一个界乎监制与听众之间的人。

    He is a go-between for producer and listener .

  11. 李娜是首位获得这一网球界至高荣誉的亚洲球员。

    Li is the first Asian player to receive the sport 's ultimate honor .

  12. (生物)一个界中包含其主要分类单元的分类组。

    ( biology ) a taxonomic group comprising a major division of a kingdom .

  13. 关于代数体函数的一个界囿定理

    On Bounded Theorem of Algebroid Functions

  14. 模糊理论的主要思想是用一个界于0到1之间的数值表示元素隶属于某个集合的程度,从而克服了传统0、1划分机制的局限性,更符合人类的理性思维。

    Fuzzy theory uses a number between 0 and 1 to express the degree elements belonged to one muster .

  15. 从认知心理学的角度来看语感是一种界于陈述性知识和程序性知识之间的对语言的感性认识。

    Accumulating sensibility from cognizing psychology angel . Language sense is a geist cognition between recite knowledge and program knowledge .

  16. 如何将这一管理界的新兴模式引入公共管理人才选拔领域,就是本文所要探讨的内容。

    How to apply the new mode to the field of selecting public administration talents is the subject studied in this paper .

  17. 主要对价值创造与价值分配的关系这一学术界的热点问题进行了诠释,并指出其重大的现实意义。

    The heated issue in Chinese Academia on the relationship between value creation and distribution has been annotated and its significance been pointed out .

  18. 特别是对进入刑事诉讼程序,这一特殊界域中的未成年被告人的实体权益和诉讼权益应给予更多的尊重和保护。

    Especially for the entry in the criminal procedure of juvenile defendants rights and litigation rights and interests should be given more respect and protection .

  19. 企业集群是一种界于企业与市场之间的中间组织,具有持久的竞争优势,是提升中小企业竞争力的有效途径。

    Enterprises cluster is a middle organization and it has some special competitive advantages including production cost , innovation , regional marketing , and so on .

  20. 位于在法-西边界的比利牛斯山脉,由地中海一直延伸到比斯开湾,形成了法国的另一道山界。

    The Pyrenees Mountains , extending along the Franco-Spanish frontier from the Mediterranean to the Bay of Biscay , forms the other mountain boundary of France .

  21. 对于线性连续区间参数系统还给出了区间扰动向量的一组界以使得其所有特征值均位于给定的扇形域D中。

    A complete set of bounds on the perturbation vector is given so that all the eigenvalues of interval parameter systems are also in the same sector region .

  22. 考虑了在有限维空间中包含在某一有界开区域中的所有有界开凸子集所成空间上的拓扑,给出了一个相关的完备的度量空间。

    In finite dimensional space form a bounded open domain , we study some open convex subsets and it 's topology , then give a complete metric space .

  23. 对于网络出版传播中的广播时间问题,借助图论理论通过分析图的连通度,给出了确定网络单信息广播时间一个界的方法,实例证明该界是可以通过计算得到的。

    In this paper , using of graph theory and by analyzing graphs connected degree , we find a way to obtain one bound of broadcasting-time for single information .

  24. 提出以“广义归约”和“拟人”为核心的“拟人智能控制理论”,并基于此理论成功地解决了三级倒立摆的单电机控制这一控制界的世界性难题。

    The " human imitating intelligent control theory " which is based on the " general reducing rule " and " imitating human " is put forward in this paper .

  25. 本文也将试图对这一理论界的空白加以力所能及的填补以期对影视艺术教育的思考提供一种新的思路。

    This paper will attempt to empty the theory to be within its power sector in order to fill the Education of visual arts to provide a new way of thinking .

  26. 然而理论界对内部控制的研究基本上还没有上升到治理控制层面,这一理论界与实务界的分歧是我们研究的起点。

    However theorists to the study of internal control has not yet risen to the level of governance , which theorists and substantive differences sector is the starting point of our study .

  27. 它的这个根据仍然同样是一现象界的东西,于是现象便继续前进,成了由形式来中介持存,亦即由“非持存”来中介持存的一种无限的中介过程。

    This ground of its is no less phenomenal than itself , and the phenomenon accordingly goes on to an endless mediation of subsistence by means of form , and thus equally by non-subsistence .

  28. 对当前新闻侵权中舆论监督与国家机关名誉权冲突这一法律界与新闻界争论的热点提出了自己的看法。

    It makes the author 's own voice about the conflict of media supervision and reputation right of government department , which is a hotspot in the discussion between the scholars of law and journalism heard .

  29. 于是她转过身去,对着他仰起脸来,就像大理石雕成的一座界神①一样,让他在她的脸颊上吻了一下他一半是敷衍,一半好像他的热情还没有完全熄灭。

    She thereupon turned round and lifted her face to his , and remained like a marble term while he imprinted a kiss upon her cheek-half perfunctorily , half as if zest had not yet quite died out .

  30. 湿地是一种界于陆地和水体之间的过渡性生态系统,广泛分布于世界各地,是自然界最富生物多样性的生态景观和人类最重要的生存环境之一。

    Wetland is a transitional ecological system between land and water , widely scattering all the world , which is one of ecological landscape of most richly biological diversity and most important survival environment in the natural world .