
  1. 同时用计算机绘出了在考虑像散情况下诸光束参数随热焦距的变化曲线。

    By use of computer , we calculated'and plotted the laser beam parameters curves versus thermal lens with astigmation taken into account .

  2. 采用自制落锤式冲击试验机系统研究了在相对冲击功作用下诸因素对高锰钢加工硬化能力的影响。

    In this paper , the effects of many factors on the ability of work hardening of high manganese steel were studied under ' relative impact load ' with the newly-designed dropping impact hammer .

  3. 《效颦集》卷上诸篇可视为严格的史学作品,而卷中、卷下诸篇则以小说的形式抒发其史学感慨,虽为虚构,但也有深深的史学烙痕。

    The first volume of the book can be regarded as the exact historiography work , but the middle and last volumes take the form of novel in which the author expresses his reflections on historiography .

  4. GPA协定是WTO框架下的诸边协定之一,只适用于各缔约方和加入方。

    The GPA is one of the plurilateral agreements within the framework of the WTO and applies only to the contractual Parties and accessory members .

  5. 本文对Nb-V-Ti微合金钢经控轧控冷后在不同卷取温度下的诸强化效应及屈服强度进行了估算。

    The strengthening effects and yield strength of Nb-V-Ti microalloyed steels , which were coiled at different temperature after controlled rolling and controlled cooling , were estimated in this paper .

  6. 由时变谱法概念,给出了在任意的提取方式(BPF或PLL等)及非线性电路(NLC)条件下,诸抖动功率谱的一般表达式。

    From the concept of time-varying spectrum , a group general expressions of the jitter spectral densities are proposed , which are applicable to conditions of both arbitrary timing extraction ( BPF or PLL , etc. ) and arbitrary non-linear circuit ( NLC ) .

  7. 本文研究了在代Cr2%的情况下,诸工艺因素对铬收得率、回铬速度的影响。

    The present paper gives out technological factors affecting chrome recovery and chrome reduction speed with a substitution of 2 % .

  8. 现代战争是高技术条件下的诸军兵种联合作战的战争,对地理信息的提供和保障都有着特殊的要求。

    The modern war is joint operations among all arms of services under the high tech , which asks for special supports and service of geographic information .

  9. 在这些学术背景下,弋阳诸腔在戏曲史中的地位与价值也愈发突显。

    In such learning background , Yi yang tune-patterns plays more and more important role in the history of drama .

  10. 针对独立工作方式下火控射击诸元的求解问题,提出了一种基于数字化瞄准具的陀螺仿真方法。

    Based on digital collimator working in independent mode , a gyroscope simulation method is presented to solve the firing equation .

  11. 详细分析了在有目标坐标测定设备情况下的射击诸元求解问题。

    As to the Problem II , the hitting equation is analyzed , clearly under the condition that detection equipment is available .

  12. 在不同的时空条件下,上述诸因素对端午风俗的影响程度不可同日而语。

    Under the different conditions of time and space , all of these factors has different impact on the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival .

  13. 在政治资本有限的情况下,专注于诸边贸易安排可能会分散投入WTO的努力。

    With limited political capital , the focus on plurilateral trade arrangements risks diversion of effort from the WTO .

  14. 本文在OMNeT++平台上对LEACH协议下无线传感器网络诸参数如能量、帧数、Sink节点位置等进行了仿真,将结果加以比较分析。

    With the OMNeT + + platform , we simulate WSNs ' parameters on LEACH protocol , such as energy , frames , Sink 's position , etc. Then we compare among these results .

  15. 10、有一次,昆虫学家AlbroT、Gaul先生在他的笔记本里匆匆记下,在马赛诸塞州北部某种蚂蚁开始举行飞行婚礼的准确日和时。

    10 . Entomologist Albro T.Gaul once jotted down in his notebook that a particular species of ant in northern Massachusetts began its wedding flight at a certain day and time .

  16. 考察了油田应用环境下影响脱水的诸因素。

    The influences of oil fields on dehydration have been consulted .

  17. 甲板坐标系下速率火控射击诸元解算及弹道修正

    Firing Data Calculation and Ballistic Correction of Rate Fire-control System based on Deck Coordinates

  18. 各成员确认它们在多边贸易协定项下和适用的诸边贸易协定项下承诺的关于公布和通知的义务。

    Members affirm their commitment to obligations under the Multilateral Trade Agreements and , where applicable , the Plurilateral Trade Agreements , regarding publication and notification .

  19. 提出了适应在计算机条件下决定射击开始诸元的方法,即:不利用射击成果的方法和利用射击成果的方法。

    The method to determine the firing initial data on condition of computer using is put forward and composed of two different parts : utilizing the firing result or not .