
xià zàng
  • bury;inter
下葬 [xià zàng]
  • [bury;inter] 以下列方式处理安葬(尸体):放在土内、放在墓穴或坟墓中、丢进水里或焚化

下葬[xià zàng]
  1. “你太太?”殡仪员倒抽一口凉气,“我不是在两年前已经给她下葬了吗?”

    " Your wife !" gasped the undertaker ," Didn 't I bury her two years ago ?"

  2. 他们为什么这么做?为什么这么快就下葬?

    Why do they do that ? Why do they bury the bodies so soon after death ?

  3. “嗯,一个美丽的春天的周四可能是个下葬的好日子。”南希开玩笑说。

    ' Well , a beautiful spring Thursday would probably be a nice day to be buried on , ' Nancy joked .

  4. 尸体下葬在那个公墓。

    The body was interred at that cemetery .

  5. 那是在下葬过后大家从墓地回来后才放的。

    Coming from the cemetery after the body has been buried .

  6. 因为下葬时壁画可能还没有干透。

    Because the paint on the walls was probably still wet .

  7. 他6月3日去世,于次日下葬。

    He died on june3rd and was buried the day after .

  8. 在医生确认了她的死亡后,博格太太被迅速下葬。

    Doctors confirmed her death , and she was promptly buried .

  9. 她的其中一个请求是带着她心爱的《圣经》一起下葬。

    The woman also requested to be buried with her favorite Bible .

  10. 刚才下葬的女人是他的亡妻。

    The burial we passed at the crossroads was for his wife .

  11. 那可怜的姑娘是上周下葬的。

    The poor girl came to the ground last week .

  12. 为安格马的巫王铸造,也随他而下葬。

    Made for the Witchking of Angmar . And buried with him .

  13. 我母亲下葬后,他消失达两年之�

    But after her funeral , he left for like two years .

  14. 接下来就到了下葬的时间。

    Next , it is time to be buried .

  15. 马雷施还指出,这两具婴儿骨架是欧洲有史以来发现的最古老的人体骨架,从埋葬方式可以看出,他们在死后并不是简单地被下葬,他们已是某种社会的成员。

    The burial suggests " they were members of society ," she said .

  16. 我丈夫值得被尊荣的下葬。

    My husband deserves to be buried with dignity .

  17. 我希望下葬时右手握住一把餐叉。

    I want to be buried with a fork in my right hand .

  18. 我们不该将他下葬。

    We shouldn 't have gotten him a grave .

  19. 昨晚我看到新闻,法耶德先生已经下葬了。

    I see Mr Fayed was buried last night .

  20. 他和我参加了下葬。

    He and I were present at the burial .

  21. 其逝世后并未进行尸体解剖,并于周五下葬。

    No post-mortem examination was performed , and Jobs was buried on Friday .

  22. 让父亲体面的下葬是你欠他的。

    You owe it to your father to let him go in style .

  23. 死于埃博拉的人应立即安全下葬。

    People who have died from Ebola should be promptly and safely buried .

  24. 请告诉我他下葬时得用钢琴盒才够�

    Please tell me he needs to be buried in a piano box .

  25. 下葬时,会用一片罗勒叶子陪葬,以示逝者将通往天国。

    A basil leaf buried with a person was considered his passport to heaven .

  26. 他们还没下葬。难道不该葬了他们吗?

    They haven 't been buried . Don 't you think they should be ?

  27. 他们送他去下葬…

    They came to take his body away ...

  28. 灵柩下葬时,送葬者默立致哀。

    The mourners stood in silent tribute as the coffin was laid to rest .

  29. 米切尔认为这可以证明法老王下葬时非常仓促。

    Mitchell thinks this evidence indicates that King Tut was buried in a hurry .

  30. 哀悼�灵柩下葬时,送葬者默立致哀。

    The mourner stand in silent tributes as the coffin is laid to rest .