
yī bān ɡuò qù shí
  • past indefinite
  1. 一般过去时和过去进行时。

    The past indefinite tense and the past continuous tense .

  2. 2当一句话中有两个在过去不同时段发生的动作时,先发生的动作使用过去完成时,而后发生的动作则常用一般过去时。

    The action that happens second is often in the past simple tense . In this example : I arrived . When you want to talk about two past actions , one which happened before the other , remember to use the past perfect for the first action , and the past simple for the second .

  3. 这些语言内因素对英语学习者使用一般过去时有什么交互影响(interactiveeffects)?

    What interactive effects do those intralingual factors exert on the simple past use ?

  4. 然后,作者利用SPSS对所得数据进行分析并有如下发现:(1)汉语时的缺失对中国英语学习者习得一般过去时有阻碍作用。

    Then , the author adopted SPSS software to analyze the data and obtained the following findings : ( 1 ) The absence of tense in Chinese has an inhibiting effect on the acquisition of English simple past .

  5. 你应该听见了,他用的是一般过去时和过去进行时。

    You heard him using the past simple and past continuous .

  6. 有一天,他在报纸上看见了一则广告(一般过去时,表明事实)

    One day , he saw an advertisement in the newspaper .

  7. 实话英语的时态一般过去时和现在完成体的语义研究

    A Semantic Study of the English Simple Past Tense and the Present Perfect

  8. 动词突显度对英语过渡语中一般过去时标记的影响

    The Effects of Verb Salience on the Simple Past Marking in English Interlanguage

  9. 那些练习题都是跟一般过去时和现在完成时有关的。

    They were all concerning about the past tense and the present perfect .

  10. 使学生初步了解一般过去时的意义。

    Understand the meaning of the simple past tense .

  11. 进一步了解一般过去时。

    Find out the sentence with the past tense .

  12. 规则动词的一般过去时标记比例显著高于不规则动词。

    Regular verbs are significantly more marked in simple past than irregular verbs .

  13. 谁知道一般过去时和这个动词的过去分词?

    Who knows the past tense and the past participle form of this verb ?

  14. 语言因素对英语过渡语中使用一般过去时的影响

    The Effects of Multiple Linguistic Factors on the Simple Past Use in English Interlanguage

  15. 汉语的体标记了对使用一般过去时有什么影响?

    What effects does the aspect marker le exert on the simple past use ?

  16. 一般过去时的变异对汉语的体标记了来说,是不是有规律?

    Is the simple past variation systematic with regard to the aspect marker le ?

  17. 剩下的时间不多了,她只得开快点赶往机场。(用于一般过去时)

    There was little time left and she had to drive quickly to the airport .

  18. 因此一般过去时被视作是多义性的语法单位,而一般过去时的多种意义就体现在它的多种用法上。

    Therefore , simple past tense is taken as a grammatical unit with polysemous meaning .

  19. 情状体和语篇结构对英语过渡语中一般过去时标记的影响

    The effects of lexical aspect and discourse structure on the simple past marking in English interlanguage

  20. 一般过去时还是现在完成时?

    Past simple or present perfect ?

  21. 我听说李雷今天不来上学了,因为他病了。(可用一般过去时,也可用一般现在时)

    I heard that Lilei didn 't come to school today , because he is ill .

  22. 爱因斯坦到十四岁时就自学完了高等数学。(从句为一般过去时,主句要用过去完成时)

    By the time he was fourteen , Einstein had learned advanced mathematics all by himself .

  23. 从标记过度与标记缺失看情状体对习得一般过去时标记的影响

    Lexical Aspect and the Acquisition of the Simple Past Marking & Viewing from Overgeneralization and Undergeneralization

  24. 对情状体假说的检验&中国学生一般过去时的习得

    Testing the Aspect Hypothesis : The Acquisition of the Simple Past by Instructed Chinese Learners of English

  25. 对于现在的工作,取得的成绩应该使用一般过去时,而工作职责则应使用一般现在时。

    For your current job , write accomplishments in past tense and job responsibilities in present tense .

  26. 情状体对英语过渡语中一般过去时使用的影响研究

    A Study of the Effects of Lexical Aspect on the Simple Past Use in the English Interlanguage

  27. 随着工业的发展,出现了污染问题。(一般过去时,或现在完成时)

    Along with the development of industry , came ( has come ) the problem of environmental pollution .

  28. 学生英语写作中一般过去时错误分析及教学启示

    Analysis of the Errors of the Past Tense in the Students ' English Writing and Its Inspiration to English Teaching

  29. 简言之,一般过去时用来表达开始并结束于过去的行为。

    In short , the simple past is used to express an action that started and ended in the past .

  30. 记叙文语篇结构与英语过渡语中一般过去时变异的关系&对语篇假设的检验

    The Relationship Between Narrative Structure and the Simple Past Variation in English Interlanguage & A Test of the Discourse Hypothesis