
  • 网络buprenorphine;BUP
  1. 采用液相萃取法、固相萃取法提取肝中丁丙诺啡,考察不同提取剂、pH值等因素对萃取率的影响。

    To investigate the influence of solution , pH , adsorbents and so on , on the efficiency of extracting buprenorphine in liver .

  2. 衍生化GC-MS法分析丁丙诺啡

    Derivatization and GC - MS Analysis of Buprenorphine

  3. HPLC法测定盐酸丁丙诺啡注射液中5-羟甲基糠醛

    Determination of 5-Hydroxymethyl Furfuraldehyde in Buprenorphine Hydrochloride Injection by HPLC

  4. 目的评价丁丙诺啡在腹部肿瘤手术后患者自控镇痛(PCA)的效果和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the analgesic efficacy and safety of PCA with buprenorphine after abdominal cancer surgery .

  5. B组:丁丙诺啡0.15mg加0.2%布比卡因混合后,稀释成0.01L;

    B , 0.15 mg buprenorphine added to 0.2 % bupivacaine ;

  6. 以ATS为主的中枢兴奋剂及相关非法精神活性物质精神依赖性强。国产丁丙诺啡的药物依赖性特性

    ATS and related club drugs had strong psychic dependence-producing potential . THE DEPENDENCE - PRODUCING PROPERTIES OF BUPRENORPHINE

  7. 结论盐酸丁丙诺啡凝胶具有良好的透皮特性,适当加入促渗剂油酸或氮酮可以显著提高其Js,使其释放近似零级动力学模型。

    Conclusion Permeation enhancers significantly increase Js of buprenorphine hydrochloride gel and renders its release kinetics approaching zero-order .

  8. HPLC法测定丁丙诺啡贴剂中药物的含量及其体外透皮释放量氢溴酸加兰他敏贴剂体外释药性和经皮渗透性能研究

    HPLC determination of buprenorphine in buprenorphine patches and its skin permeation behavior in vitro Study of the release and transdermal permeation of the transdermal patch of galanthamine hydrobromide in vitro

  9. 国产丁丙诺啡PICA术后镇痛的临床应用

    Clinical Application of PICA with Homemade Buprenorphine on Postoperative Analgesia

  10. 目的:观察关节腔内注射丁丙诺啡(Buprenorphine)对膝关节镜术后的镇痛效果,并与注射小剂量吗啡(Morphine)进行对比分析。

    Objective : To investigate the analgesic effect of low dose Buprenorphine injected intra-articularly after knee arthroscopy , and compared with that of Morphine .

  11. 用药前3d丁丙诺啡单次用量最大可达6mg,日剂量最大为18mg。

    The single dose of buprenorphine reached 6 mg , and maximum daily dose was 18 mg in the first 3 days .

  12. 目的:调查评价阿片滥用人群中丁丙诺啡(buprenorphine,Bup)的药物依赖性及滥用潜力。

    AIM : To survey and assess the drug dependence and abuse potential liability of buprenorphine among opiate abusers .

  13. 目的:比较丁丙诺啡和曲马多两种长效镇痛药物联合用药不同配伍的PCIA药效及不良反应的临床观察。

    Objective : To compare the analgesic and side effects of patient-controlled intravenous analgesia ( PCIA ) among different doses of buprenorphine and tramadol .

  14. 目的比较曲马朵、丁丙诺啡与吗啡用于术后病人自控静脉镇痛(PCIA)的效果及副作用。

    Objective To compare the analgesic and side effects of tramadol , buprenorphine and morphine in equipotent dosage in patient-controlled intravenous analgesia ( PCIA ) .

  15. 结果:中、重度癌症患者舌下含服丁丙诺啡06-24mg·d-1的剂量,给药次数3-4次,可明显或完全缓解疼痛。

    Results : Pain could be controlled completely or obviously by administering buprenorphine 0.6-2.4 mg · d - 1 , three to four times a day .

  16. 本文应用不同剂量盐酸丁丙诺啡递减疗法对海洛因依赖轻度、中度、重度患者分三组脱毒治疗,以10d为一疗程。

    A 10-day course of treatment was instituted with different doses of buprenorphine hydrochloride ( Bup ) by gradual reduction in 73 patients in three groups respectively with mild , moderate and severe heroin addiction .

  17. 方法:180例择期阴式全宫切除术患者随机分为5组,分别单次注射等容量生理盐水、0.125%布比卡因、丁丙诺啡0.15mg、丁丙诺啡0.15mg+0.125%布比卡因或接自控镇痛泵用吗啡行PCEA治疗。

    Methods : 180 patients undergoing vaginal hysterectomy were divided into 5 groups randomly . The same volume of normal saline , 0.125 % bupivacaine , 0.15 mg buprenorphine , 0.15 mg buprenorphine plus 0.125 % bupivacaine were administered respectively or by PCEA with morphine .

  18. 结果:丁丙诺啡片用于缓解癌症中度疼痛,初始剂量0.2mg,6~8h/次,可使85%的疼痛患者得到中度以上缓解。

    RESULTS : Buprenorphine could be used to relieve the moderate cancer pain . A total effective rate of 85 % ( moderate or above pain ) were achieved for patients with over moderate pain after treatment with initial dose of 0.2 mg buprenorphine every 6-8 hours .

  19. 硬膜外腔注入丁丙诺啡、吗啡术后止痛的比较观查

    The comparison of postoperative analgesic effect of epidural buprenorphine and morphine

  20. 关节腔内注射丁丙诺啡对膝关节镜术后疼痛的影响

    Analgesic effect of low dose buprenorphine injected intra-articularly after knee arthroscopy

  21. 盐酸丁丙诺啡舌下含片用于乳腺癌改良根治术后镇痛

    Analgesia of sublingual buprenorphine following modified radical operation for breast cancer

  22. 丁丙诺啡静脉自控镇痛在脊柱外科术后的应用

    Application of Self-controlled Intravenous Analgesia with Buprenorphine after Spine Operations

  23. 丁丙诺啡对齿科治疗镇痛效果的临床研究

    Clinical trial of analgesic effects of buprenorphine sublingual tablet in dental treatment

  24. 结论:丁丙诺啡含片可有效地缓解口腔牙齿治疗时的疼痛,但对抑制开髓治疗时的疼痛效果不明显。

    Conclusion : Buprenorphine sublingual tablet can relieve the pain in dental treatment .

  25. 盐酸丁丙诺啡凝胶体外透皮渗透实验研究

    Experimental study of in vitro buprenorphine hydrochloride transdermal permeation through hairless mouse skin

  26. 目的:探讨丁丙诺啡对阿片类药物依赖的治疗作用。

    Objective : To study the efficacy of buprenorphine on opioids dependence treatment .

  27. 盐酸丁丙诺啡Ⅲ期临床评价

    Evaluation of phase ⅲ clinical trial of buprenorphine hydrochloride

  28. 静脉丁丙诺啡术后镇痛安全性和临床疗效的观察

    Softy and Effect of Intravenous Buprenorphine in Postoperative Analgesia

  29. 没有患者接受标准口服丁丙诺啡的治疗方法。

    None of the patients received buprenorphine by the standard oral delivery route .

  30. 国产盐酸丁丙诺啡对烧伤及整形术后患者镇痛药效的临床评价

    A clinical study on analgesic effect of buprenorphine in burn and plastic patients