
  1. 这个方子共有七味药。

    The prescription specifies seven medicinal herbs .

  2. 冠心七味片通过减弱VEGF的表达来延缓AS的进展。

    Guan xin Qi wei tablets can weaken VEGF expression to slow atherosclerosis progress .

  3. 目的利用血管回声跟踪技术(ET)评价冠心七味片在兔动脉粥样硬化(AS)早期干预后血管弹性的变化。

    Objective To Evaluate the changes in blood vessel elasticity after Guan xin Qi wei tablets ' intervention in rabbits on early atherosclerosis by echo tracking Technology .

  4. 目的:建立七味散的质量标准。

    Objective : To establish the quality standards for Qiwei powder .

  5. 方法:运用动物模型观察苦参七味胶囊的解热作用。

    An animal model was employed to observe the effects .

  6. 目的:建立蒙药巴特日七味丸中乌头碱的含量测定方法。

    Objective : to establish a method for assay of aconitine in Garidi-qiwei pill .

  7. 目的:对苦参七味胶囊发汗药理作用进行初探。

    Objective To make a preliminary study of the sudorific effect of the Daoguleebusi-7 capsule .

  8. 结果:苦参七味胶囊对大、小鼠足跖汗腺分泌有明显的促进作用。

    Results : Daoguleebusi-7 capsule promotes secretion by the sudoriferous glands of mice and rats .

  9. 目的研究暖宫七味丸对子宫功能的影响及镇痛作用。

    Objective It is to study the influence of Nuangong Qiwei pill on uterus function and the analgesic effect .

  10. 把按处方配的药减半以供两个人使用您的处方共有七味药。我该怎样服用?

    Halved the recipe to serve two . Your prescription specifies seven medicinal herbs . How do I take it ?

  11. 方法:采用着色法和组织形态法观察苦参七味胶囊对大、小鼠的发汗作用。

    Method : Experiments were carried out to observe the sudorific effect of the Daoguleebusi-7 capsule in mice and rats .

  12. 目的观察七味白术散治疗腹泻型肠易激综合征脾胃虚弱证的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the effect of modified Qiwei Baizhu powder on irritable bowel diarrhea syndrome with weakened spleen and stomach .

  13. 可以添加一种叫七味唐辛子的日本辣椒,味道和传统黑胡椒大不一样。

    Shichimi , a Japanese pepper , can be added , which lends a much different flavor that traditional black pepper .

  14. 目的:为了评价七味白术散颗粒治疗婴幼儿轮状病毒腹泻病的疗效并初步探讨其作用机理。

    Objective : To evaluate the therapeutic effect of Qiwei Baizhusan Granule ( QWBZG ) on infantile rotavirus diarrhea and to discover its therapeutic mechanism .

  15. 通过累积计分法、家蝇寿命实验、正交试验等方法筛选出杜仲、覆盆子等七味中药组成抗衰延寿方。

    Prescription for anti-aging and prolonging lifespan consisted of 7 Chinese herbs including eucommia bark and raspberry which were elected from 100 classic prescriptions for antiaging through cumulative method , essay on lifespan of common house-fly and orthogonal test .