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  1. 七夕诗属于节令诗,以牵牛织女传说和七夕节日为主要描写对象。

    Its main description object is the legend of Qianniu and Zhinv and Qixi festival .

  2. 七夕诗系统地记录了中国近代的历史和诗人的人生遭际。

    Wang 's poems on Qi Xi systematically recorded Chinese contemporary history and his own life experience .

  3. 其七夕诗婉转自然、沉郁典雅的艺术风格又体现了他诗歌艺术的另一种审美追求。

    And his new aesthetic pursuit was presented in his art styles that were tactful , natural , gloomy and elegant .

  4. 七夕诗:自然燃烧和温暖诗人灵魂的火焰

    Poems in Praise of the Seventh Evening of the Seventh Moon : the Flame of Natural Burning and the Soul of Warm Poets

  5. 七夕诗展现了民俗习尚的风情画,体现出民族情感的人文意蕴。

    Poems in praise of the Seventh Evening of the Seventh Moon reveal a picture of folk customs and a sense of humanity of national feelings .