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  1. 基本上,雄蚊对人类是无害的。

    Basically , male mosquitoes are harmless to humans .

  2. 埃及伊蚊血淋巴被动传输后受体蚊对彭亨丝虫易感性的变化

    Changes in the susceptibility of the recipient Aedes aegypti to Brugia pahangi after passive transfer of haemolymph

  3. 目的了解江苏省淡色库蚊成蚊对常用杀虫剂的抗药性现状,以有效指导淡色库蚊的防治。

    Objective To determine the current resistance of adult Culex pipiens pallens to commonly used pesticides in Jiangsu province , providing the evidence for better mosquito control .

  4. 雄蚊只对基本频率的雌蚊翅振音起反应,雌蚊翅振音的偶然变化不会降低其对雄蚊的引诱力。

    The male mosquitoes show response only to the main frequency of the female wingbeat sound .

  5. 在同一地区,2种蚊媒对有的杀虫剂如氯菊酯抗性差别较大。

    There was a great difference of resistance to some insecticides such as permethrin for two kinds of vector mosquitoes in the same area .

  6. 由于恶性疟原虫对现有药物的抗药性不断出现和蔓延,蚊媒对杀虫剂抗药性的产生等因素影响,疟疾的防治成为世界性的大难题之一。

    The emergence and spread of drug-resistant parasites and insecticide-resistant Anopheles mosquito vectors make prevention and treatment of malaria a big problem in the world .

  7. 抗蚊中肠抗体对斯氏按蚊体内约氏疟原虫卵囊发育的影响

    Effect of anti - mosquito - midgut anti bodies on the development of oocysts of Plasmodium yoelii in Anopheles stephensi

  8. 结论蚊、蚋对驻守在新疆边境地区某边防部队官兵的身心健康产生了严重危害。

    Conclusion The mosquito and black fly had caused serious harm to the officers and soldiers of a certain frontier guards .

  9. 以登革病毒Ⅱ型经口和胸内接种感染白纹伊蚊,观察蚊体内屏障对感染登革病毒的影响。

    In this study , we deal with the observation of the intrinsic barriers of Aedes albopictus affecting infection of dengue-2 virus by the intrathoracic inoculation and oral infection methods .

  10. 蚊体内CAT是对杀虫剂解毒的重要水解酶之一,它普遍存在于蚊体内各组织中。

    CAT is one of the important enzymes on detoxication of insecticide in mosquito which is widely spreading in every tissue .

  11. 蚊涎腺萃取物对HMB患者经CD4+T细胞诱导E-BV感染的NK细胞肿瘤形成

    Mosquito salivary gland extracts induce EBV-infected NK cell oncogenesis via CD4 + T cells in patients with hypersensitivity to mosquito bites

  12. 方法:采用CDC和UV诱蚊灯人房通宵捕蚊,对所获得的数据材料进行群落学特征分析。

    MethodsCDC and UV lamp-traps were used to collect mosquito in human rooms at night and analysis data by entomological community methods .

  13. 方法采用诱蚊灯法诱捕成蚊,并对捕获蚊虫进行分类鉴定。

    Methods Light traps were applied to collect adult mosquitoes , followed by classification and identification .

  14. 结果表明幼期阶段短光照处理与成蚊滞育的发生没有明显的关系,该蚊对临界光周期的敏感虫期为新羽化的成蚊。

    The results showed that the short photoperiod of larval stages was not related to diapause of adults , and the newly emerged females were in the life stage sensitive to diapause induction .