
  • 网络mosquito-borne diseases
  1. 西半球对蚊媒传染病日益脆弱的防线,已经在拉丁美洲各地引发了争论,而亚特兰大的美国疾病控制与预防中心(CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention)发布的这项警告,更是加剧了这种争论。

    The warning by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta has intensified a debate across Latin America over the hemisphere 's growing vulnerability to mosquito-borne diseases .

  2. 温州市蚊媒传染病流行特征及趋势分析

    Analysis on the pathogenic features and epidemiological trend of mosquito-borne diseases in Wenzhou City

  3. 我国蚊媒传染病有疟疾、丝虫、流行性乙型脑炎和登革热。

    In China , mosquito-borne infectious diseases include malaria , filarial , epidemic Japanese B encephalitis , and dengue fever .

  4. 目的评价在汕头市社区居民中开展的登革热、流行性乙型脑炎、疟疾等蚊媒传染病健康教育干预效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of health education on mosquito-borne diseases among residents in rural areas and cities in Shantou City .

  5. 消灭蚊虫是为了预防蚊媒传染病,保障人民身体健康,为人类创造良好的生活环境。

    The purpose of wiping out mosquitoes is to prevent mosquito-borne infectious diseases , safeguard people 's health and create a good living environment .

  6. 世博会作为世界级的展览盛会,由于其时间长、人流物流多的特点,使世博会的举办地存在蚊媒传染病输入并传播流行的可能。

    Expo exhibition as a world-class event , it has the long time , passenger and cargo flows , which make the danger of mosquito-borne diseases spread .

  7. 目的:了解部队抗洪期间受蚊虫危害状况,观察蚊虫防治方法的效果,避免蚊媒传染病发生。

    Objective : To investigate mosquito species and their harm and to examine the effect of mosquito-control methods for preventing vector infectious diseases in the fighting-flood troops .

  8. 结论温州市存在蚊媒传染病流行危险因素,应采取综合性防治措施控制蚊媒传染病传播和流行。

    Conclusion There are epidemiological risk factors of mosquito-borne diseases in Wenzhou City , and systemic preventive measures should be taken to control the epidemic and the spread of mosquito-borne diseases .

  9. 这种可致新生儿畸形的蚊媒传染病本已得到控制。在过去的几周,进入冬天的巴西,温度“骤降”到17摄氏度,这无疑对控制险情大有益处。

    The mosquito-borne disease , which causes devastating birth defects , has been largely under control in recent weeks thanks to the Brazilian winter as temperatures have ' dipped " to 17C .

  10. 目的分析1950 ̄2005年温州市蚊媒传染病发病特征及流行趋势,为采取防治措施提供科学依据。

    Objective The study was conducted to analyze the pathogenic features and epidemiological trend of mosquito-borne diseases from 1950 to 2005 in Wenzhou City so as to provide a scientific basis for the adoption of prevention and control measures .

  11. 猪流行性乙型脑炎(epidemicencephalitisB)简称猪乙脑,是由乙型脑炎病毒引起的一种蚊媒性人兽共患传染病。

    Swine epidemic encephalitis B was a mosquito-borne viral human zoonotic diseases that caused by the Japanese encephalitis virus .