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wàn shèng
  • the emperor
  • chariot;emperor
万乘 [wàn shèng]
  • (1) [chariot]∶车辆

  • (2) [emperor]∶指天子。周制,天子地方千里,出兵车万乘,诸侯地方百里,出兵车千乘,故称天子为“万乘”

  • 使敌万乘。——《韩非子·五蠹》

  • 致万乘之势。——汉· 贾谊《过秦论》

  1. 事实上,高瞻电动车(EVBuy)创始人张大伟说,在上海的大约100万乘用车保有量中,电动汽车顶多只有500辆。高瞻电动车是一家上海公司,面向个人和企业用户提供电动汽车经销、配套服务等业务。

    In fact , there are at most 500 electric cars in Shanghai out of a total of about one million passenger vehicles , according to Zhang Dawei , the founder of EV Buy , a Shanghai company that sources and services electric cars for individuals and corporate users .

  2. 现在,我凭着三寸不烂之舌,打动万乘之主的秦王。

    Now , relying on my clever tongue , I have touched the heart of the King of Qin , who is the sovereign lord with 1000 chariots .

  3. 国际汽车制造商协会提供的数据,中国工厂去年生产了约2500万辆乘用车。

    Factories in China produced about 25 million passenger cars last year , according to the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers .

  4. 据说平常日子一天有400万人乘地铁旅行,地铁可以把你送到纽约的几乎任何地方去。

    It 's say that on an ordinary day4 million people travel by the subway which can take you to almost anywhere in new york .

  5. 她做了她喜欢的事,并且抓住了致富的机会。今天,她已经有能力每年花费30万美元乘着私人飞机环游世界。

    She did what she loved , followed financial opportunity , and today she is in a situation to spend $ 300 , 000 a year traveling the world on private jets .

  6. 罗马尼亚人去年购买了约25万辆新的乘用车,高于2000年的9万辆。

    Romanians bought about 250000 new passenger vehicles last year , up from 90000 in 2000 .

  7. 汽车总销量增长16%,接近2200万辆,其中近1800万辆为乘用车。

    Sales totaled nearly 22 million vehicles & including almost 18 million passenger cars , up 16 % .