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  • 网络the review of the times;chinese globe magazine
  1. 《万国公报》是中日甲午战争期间对战争进行报道、评论最具影响的刊物,它自身也因此名声鹊起。

    At the time , Chinese Globe Magazine was the most influential magazine report and commenting on the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895 . It gained great fame from these activities .

  2. 《万国公报》与X射线知识的传播

    The Globe Magazine and the Spread of Knowledge of X-ray

  3. 《万国公报》中的妇女问题研究

    Study of the Issue of Women in a Review of the Times

  4. 简论《万国公报》的基本思想倾向

    Briefly on the Basic Ideological Tendency of the International Bulletin

  5. 传教士在华的宣传活动与科举制度的解体&以广学会和《万国公报》为例

    The Propaganda of the Missionaries in China and the Disintegration of the Imperial Civil Examination

  6. 考察《万国公报》上发表的与医学相关的文章,发现其中大部分是由传教士撰写的有关西医科学的。

    The articles relating to the medicine in A Review of the Time are investigated in this thesis .

  7. 《万国公报》是英美传教士在中国创办的综合刊物。

    The Wan Kwoh Kung Pao was a comprehensive publication which was started by missionaries of English and American .

  8. 在晚清社会有着重要影响的《万国公报》也采用了这一方法。

    Wan Kwoh Kung Pao , with a great influence in Late Qing Dynasty , also turned to this method .

  9. 李提摩太在《万国公报》上发表过很多宣传基督教的文章,在当时有一定影响。

    Timothy Richard had many of his Chritian articles published in Wan Guo Gong Bao , and he had great effects .

  10. 通过这种方法,《万国公报》不仅引起了一部分中国人的关注,并在他们中间产生了一定的影响。

    By this means , Wan Kwoh Kung Pao not only attracted some persons'attention , but also made influence on them in some degree .

  11. 晚清来华新教传教士对中国科举制度的批判&以《万国公报》为舆论中心

    A Critique to Imperial Examination System by the Protestant Missionaries in China in Late Qing Dynasty & With The Globe Magazine as the Public Opinion Center

  12. 该部分以海关英文原版资料和《万国公报》、《农学报》上的中文资料为基础,对近代中国新海关贸易报告的种类和贸易报告给中国经济带来的影响,作了详细考察。

    It reviewed detailedly the trade reports ' variety and the effect that the trade reports of the neoteric custom of China brought to Chinese economic .

  13. 自19世纪70年代至20世纪初,来华新教传教士以《万国公报》为主要阵地,围绕考试内容、文体、目的、后果对科举制度进行批判。

    From 1840s through early 20th century , the protestant missionaries in China proceeded to criticize the system of its contents , style , purpose and result .

  14. 我们通过李提摩大在《万国公报》上发表的文章,对他的思想进行分析,并且公允地评价他对晚清中国文化的影。

    We analyse Timothy Richards articles published in Wan Guo Gong Bao , trying to analyse his ideas and value his influence to late Qing Dynasty ? s culture impartially .

  15. 由美国监理会传教士林乐知创办的《万国公报》是晚清时期一份颇有影响的刊物。

    Wan Kwoh Kung Pao , founded by Young J · Allen , a missionary of American Southern Methodist Church , was a journal which had a wide influence in late Qing Dynasty .

  16. 《万国公报》自改版后,利用其舆论影响,宣传西方资产阶级政治、经济、文化,建议中国进行改革,为维新变法运动提供了理论素材。

    Multi-national Communique has , ever since its revised version , publicized the bourgeoisie politics , economy , culture and made suggestions to China 's reformation , providing the theoretical basis for the Hundred Days Reform movement in modern Chinese history .

  17. 摆脱经济拮据后的林乐知又把精力放到了教务上,创办了《教会新报》(后更名为《万国公报》),希翼以此向教内外人士宣道,吸收信徒。

    After getting rid of his economic hardship , Young Allen put his energy back to his missionary work by publishing the Church News which was renamed as The Globe Magazine , with which he hoped to preach sermons and get believers .